Reykjavik’s Giant: Explore the Church with a Breathtaking Surprise Awaits!

Sports Send
6 min readApr 19, 2024


Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik Iceland
Photo courtesy of the author

As you approach Reykjavik, a big and beautiful church with a huge tower can be seen almost everywhere in the city and its neighboring towns.

It’s Hallgrimskirkja, a true architectural marvel that stands as a testament to natural beauty and human creativity, evoking a sense of awe and admiration.

To compare, many people know about one of many famous waterfalls, Skógarfoos (Forrest waterfall would be a direct translation). Skogarfoss is 60 meters high, but Hallgrimskirkja is 74,5 meters!

But it is far from that. I am just talking about a pretty building; I’m talking about a national symbol that uses dramatic landscapes in Iceland. For example, the people that have gone to Reynisfjara, which tourists call Black Beach which can easily confuse locals. They will see the tower and the church, which is similar to Reynisfjara (Black Beach) in so many ways. And the idea is from a similar landscape as there are.

Here’s a place that captures the wild spirit of the island’s geology and turns it into a peaceful sanctuary.

The idea behind the building on Hallgrimskirkja is far from being a tourist attraction but a vibrant center of Icelandic religion, culture, and pride. It is a place where history, art, and community intersect.

You can even say that there are many similar views on ideology, such as the world-famous La Sagrada Family church in Barcelona.
This towering structure is a proud symbol of national identity and a bold testament to Iceland’s rich cultural heritage.

Hallgrímur Pétursson: The Soul Behind the Monument

Exploring the story of Hallgrímur Pétursson, you will encounter a significant figure in Iceland’s history. He was not just a clergyman but Iceland’s most revered poet-priest, whose influence resonates in the nation’s soul even today.

And it is right to mention that there are other church, old and small but with a lot of history, with name in the country but a short driving from Reykjavik.
His contribution to Icelandic cultural and spiritual life was so important and big, which explains why the towering Hallgrímskirkja bears the name of this true Icelandic icon.

Hallgrímur Pétursson’s legacy is significantly tied to his penned masterpieces, the ‘Passion Hymns.’ Or Passíusálmar, which is their Icelandic name.
The ‘Passion Hymns.’ Passíusálmar which is their Icelandic name
is one big and very important part of the legacy of Hallgrímur Pétursson.
As you see, I say important many times, but trust me, I am trying not to overuse it because so many things around him are so important for Icelandic religion, art, and history. But I try not to overuse it here!

These hymns are not just church ear music but integral to the Icelandic ethos. They express deep religious and existential angst, reflecting the country’s historical struggles. The hymns are recited each year ceremonially during Lent, and their soulful verses have etched Pétursson’s name into the heart of every Icelander, evoking a profound sense of the intensity of Icelandic history and struggles.

Now, what’s this connection between the man and the architecture meant to honor him? It’s in the design language itself. Hallgrímur’s hymns are lauded for their raw simplicity and profound depth. Qualities mirrored in the church’s bold lines and soaring steeple.
This connection between the man and the architecture is very rare in Iceland, I can say. But it is meant to honor him!

Every beam and every angle of Hallgrímskirkja seeks to echo the enduring spirit of Pétursson’s writings, which have stood the test of time, much like the basalt columns that inspire the church’s striking façad

One of the Passíusálmar. This is number 48.
Hallgrimskirkja Reykjavik Iceland
Photo courtesy of the author

Between Heaven and Earth: The Religious Significance of Hallgrímskirkja!

There’s a special kind of serenity that embraces you the moment you step into Hallgrímskirkja, and it isn’t just the tranquility of the space.

This church is a spiritual hub that brilliantly illustrates Iceland’s religious fabric. Its impressive basalt lava flow architecture beckons to an elemental connection, while inside, its role as a house of Lutheran worship speaks to the heart of Icelanders’ faith.
Lutheranism, the predominant religion in Iceland since the Reformation in the 16th century, is the cornerstone of religious life for most people in the country.

At Hallgrímskirkja, this connection is not just historical; it’s a living, breathing part of the church’s identity.

The building itself, while a monument, doesn’t overshadow the Lutheran rites and traditions that unfold within. Regular services, Christenings, confirmations, weddings, and funerals mark the passages of life for locals, intertwining with the church fabric.

In addition to its role as a place of worship, Hallgrímskirkja also hosts various cultural events that cater to the community.

For example the winter festival many times started with or close to Hallgrimskirkja.

Concerts featuring the grand pipe orgel, comprising 5,275 pipes and choral music, are more than entertainment; they are a celebration of the culture that has formed around Icelandic Lutheranism. Through these events, the church reinforces its commitment to being a center of spirituality and cultural convergence.

The religious and cultural gatherings at Hallgrímskirkja stand as a testament to the church’s inclusivity. Icelanders present an open invitation to believers and visitors alike to witness the harmonious blend of faith and tradition-something that all Lutheran churches in Iceland stress.

The tower of Hallgrímskirkja does more than simply punctuate the city’s skyline, visible from many neighboring towns; it provides a metaphorical ladder between the devout on Earth and the divine in the heavens.

Ascend to the Skies: The Panoramic Wonder from Hallgrímskirkja

If you want to have a good view of Reykjavik, and even far from it too, by taking the elevator to the top of the church’s tower, you’ll learn about panoramic scenes that are nothing short of stellar.

You can see the colorful rooftops of Reykjavík, the rugged outline of the mountains, and the city's organization very clearly.

Enjoy the view!

Moreover, it’s not just a visual feast; the tower’s height is drenched in symbolism. It’s a physical representation of the church’s aim to bridge the earthly with the celestial.

For many, it’s an almost meditative experience where one can reflect and feel a step closer to something greater than themselves.

Artists, photographers, and dreamers flock to this spot, trying to understand he beauty below them.

The view from Hallgrímskirkja doesn’t just draw a picture; it tells a story — a story of Reykjavík’s evolution, its topography, and the vibrant life that pulses through its streets and homes.

This area is one of the most popular tourist places, and as a local, I can talks for many locals that it is a very special feeling to be there.

Reykjavik, Iceland. Down town.
Photo courtesy of the author

Preserving Hallgrímskirkja: The Future of Iceland’s Iconic Landmark

I will wrap this up by talking about the torch that Hallgrí¬mskirkja carries into the future.
This important church for us locals is not merely an imposing structure of concrete and glass; it’s a symbol of national pride and cultural continuity for Icelanders.

Just like it’s been meticulously preserved over the decades, ongoing efforts are in place to ensure it remains a steadfast part of Iceland’s heritage.

Don’t worry too much about the challenges that preservation can present. The community and authorities recognize Hallgrímskirkja’s value and are actively working together to protect this treasure.

For example to keep the church always in top condition.

In my opinion, the key to Hallgrí¬mskirkja’s enduring legacy lies in educating both locals and visitors on its significance. By fostering a deep appreciation for the church, we ensure a collective effort in its preservation, cheering on the generations to come to treasure and look after this beacon of Icelandic identity.

And that’s not just about protecting a building; this is the promise to safeguard a story, a view, and most importantly, a way of life that Hallgrímur Pétursson and countless Icelanders have held dear.
As we part ways from this story of stone and spirit, remember that Hallgrímskirkja reminds us of Iceland’s potent blend of history, religion, and artistry.

This church will be inspiring awe for years to come.

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