Wireless Home Security Cameras

3 min readDec 12, 2016


Wireless security cameras allow you to safeguard your home, office, or really anything you wish to protect.

You install the wireless security camera or Wi-Fi Security camera anywhere you want and toward whatever you want. Many Wi-Fi Security Cameras also offer live streaming along with video recording, providing you immediate access to what is going on at your home, business, or wherever you choose to set your wireless security camera.

The wireless or Wi-Fi connection links the camera to your cell phone and/or computer without a tangled mess of cords. You can, therefore, take your Wi-Fi security cameras anywhere you want. No one will even know you have it with you.

Specifications that are Necessary to Understand

Wireless Home Security cameras have certain specifications that are necessary to understand prior to purchase.

Field of View

Field of View specifies the width of the area a camera can record. Such is important as it will impact how many cameras you’ll need and where you should place them.


Resolution details how sharp the camera image will be. Such may be extremely vital should facial recognition ever be necessary.

Wi-Fi Capability

A Wi-Fi Camera is able to wirelessly communicate with your home network. Such is extremely handy for installation and is also less vulnerable to being disabled as there are no wires to cut.

Wireless Home Security Cameras Features

Wireless Home Security cameras come with many features from which to choose. Which is best for you?

Motion Detection

Motion detection allow the camera to note the slightest hint of movement. It will then turn on and also send you an alert so that you can monitor what’s going on.


This feature allows you to both hear what’s going on and to speak through an intercom built into the camera.

Night Vision

Recording in daylight is really no problem. Most criminals, however, come around in the night. This feature, thus, allows the camera to see and record.

Rain resistance

Some wireless home security cameras have certain waterproof ratings and can better handle the elements. Experts recommend a waterproof rating of 65 or higher in order to withstand weather conditions and stay functional.


It may seem obvious, but never assume. If you want your camera to record, make sure the one you purchase offers the feature, of course, should it be what you want. You should also decide what kind of recording (card v. cloud) and how you want the camera to record (continuous or set or activated). A cloud home security camera allows remote server storage, for which you pay fees.


Should your camera be visible? Don’t answer too quickly. A visible camera is also a deterrent. It’s not simply a tool that only has a purpose after a crime is committed.


A fixed camera points at just one spot, which may be fine for your needs. Should you wish, however, to monitor a larger area, you may want a camera you can adjust, tilt, and zoom.

Hopefully, you are now better able to invest in a Wireless Security Camera.




Wireless Home Security Cameras, Cloud based security solutions. Get the best home monitoring camera from SpotCam.