Three New Year’s Resolutions for Podcasters

4 min readJan 21, 2016


Well, January is almost over and now that the holidays have passed we’re all back to our everyday lives. Nevertheless, some of us are still drawing up our New Year’s resolutions, and while we all know it’s fun making to-do lists, it’s really hard to keep them up during the year. But not to worry, Spreaker’s there for you!

Whether you’re a podcasting pro or in the “I should start a podcast”phase, we think there are three important things every podcaster should do:

1. Record your audio content for free in a professional way

Focus your mind and imagine: you’re in your comfiest pajamas ever (because who will ever know what you’re wearing?), holding your favorite Star Wars mug, the cat is sleeping in the warmest spot in the house (a.k.a. on the keyboard), headphones and mic are on and… you hit REC and let loose your charming voice to the whole world, like a boss.

What can you do?

With the Spreaker Studio app for desktop you have all you need to stream live or record a professional podcast, using a fine-tuned broadcasting studio from the comfort of your PC or Mac. Plus, you’ll be able to take guest call-ins with ease without any extra configuration. You can easily go live or record your content offline and then publish or edit later. Pro Station plan users will, of course, be able to choose to go live for an unlimited amount of time.

Interact with your audience during your live stream

You can add songs and audio effects to your podcasts with a sleeker and intuitive flow, and for those of you who decide to stream live, a chatbox will be available to your listeners so that you can interact with them directly, taking requests and answering questions in real-time. All the comments that you get will still be readable on the episode’s web page. Every time you broadcast offline, your episode will be saved as a draft that can be modified and published whenever you prefer. To access these drafts, click on the audio signal symbol in the left-hand menu.

Do you want to take calls while you’re going live?

Whether you’re taking questions from your listeners or phoning in a guest or co-host, now you’ll be able to do so easily thanks to streamlined Skype integration.

Like a pro

Using professional equipment with Spreaker has never been easier. With Spreaker Studio you’ll be able to select different input and output sources directly from the console, so you’ll never have to worry about toggling your computer’s sound settings or using extra software again.

Do you want to know more about our Spreaker Studio app? Just check our past blog posts here, here and here.

2. Consider doing more live episodes, and record from anywhere with your smartphone

Report from sports games, tech-fairs, Fashion Week, videogame marathons… LIVE!

No matter what it is you love, if you’re a sports or pop culture addict who shares the same obsession with others around the world, you should totally think about using Spreaker Studio on your smartphone

If it’s not enough, read 4 more reasons to podcast with your mobile device!

3. Share your podcast, grow your audience

image credits Stéphanie Walter

As we’ve already said before: you’re not just a podcaster, you’re a content creator. To grow your audience, focus on delivering value and involving your subscribers in the podcast.

Studies by Google found that 90% of people move between multiple devices — tablets, computers, smartphones — to accomplish a single task. To successfully engage your audience, you must capture their attention with easy to use and understandable material. Learn from the best: one of the big changes that Serial made for season two was to share more content with the audience beyond the simple podcast episode such as maps, videos, gifs, and artwork. It’s lots of different kinds of content that are easily shareable on every social network or platform.

Last but not least: read here if you’re considering speeding up your podcast’s growth with a Social Media Strategy.

Originally published at on January 21, 2016.

