It Takes a Village…

2 min readJul 2, 2015

Camp is an incubator turning side projects into profitable micro-businesses.

There were 300+ applicants for the inaugural Camp, which went down last month in Detroit.

Participating teams receive hands-on mentorship, business reimbursements, an all-expenses-paid weekend at Camp.

Following Camp, our in-house growth team (Sprinkle Labs) partners with Campers to bring their products to market.

But we can’t do it all by ourselves.

Introducing: the Camp mentorship program

Dubbed “Counselors,” Camp mentors get the opportunity to advise young founders on making their passion project a reality.

In addition to propelling the development of impressionable talent, Counselors are invited to recruitment, investment, and networking opportunities with Camp participants.

For the inaugural Camp, a group of 20 founders, investors and engineers volunteered their time as Counselors.

3 of them joined us in Detroit for the weekend, generously providing their engineering and product skillsets to Camp teams.

Sound interesting? Here’s the deal.

What’s expected of Camp Counselors:

  • Work directly with at least 1 team per class (3–4 classes per year)
  • Provide at least 1 available hour per month to advise Camp founders
  • Advocate the Camp mission to your personal network
  • Refer qualified applicants who meet our selection criteria
  • Optional: attend Camp events

What Camp Counselors can expect in return:

  • Equity stake in each batch of Camp projects
  • Open access to applicant pool for investment deal flow, recruitment, or personal networking
  • Professional credential on Camp websites
  • Lifetime pro accounts of Camp product(s) and inclusion to the burgeoning Camp alumni platform
  • Reimbursements for Camp-related business expenses such as Camp event travel, lodging, etc.

While we’re very pleased with the current group of Counselors, we’re looking for a few fresh faces to make Camp II even better.

If you’re interested in becoming a Camp Counselor, tell us about yourself here. Trust us, it’s a lot of fun.

