The Skydrop Storm

The Storm is amongst us, and some of you have braved the weather already. But how can you tell which Sprites have already claimed their item? Read this article to find out.

Sprite Club
4 min readJun 29, 2022

Hello Sprites! As you may be aware, the Skydrop Storm is underway and many of you have already claimed your Prologue items. We’re delighted with the response so far and are happy that so many of you are looking forward to finding out their use case in Chapter One.

As with any claim for an NFT project, community members and potential future community members want to know which NFTs on the secondary market have already used their ability to claim an item. In this case, which Sprites have claimed their item chosen in The Prologue.

Whilst we work on implementing a simple tool to check this, we’ve decided to put together this Medium article for those of you who are still eager to know, as it’s something we’ve seen being asked amongst community members. Hopefully this might help you with Etherscan in future too!

How to check what Prologue item a particular Sprite can claim:

No need to fret, it’s super easy! Just follow these instructions…

  1. Go to the Sprite Club [SPRITE] Token Etherscan page:
  2. Click on ‘Contract’, and make sure you are reading the contract, not writing

3. Scroll down to point #20 in the contract where it says ‘spriteAnswers’.

4. Enter the Sprite ID, e.g., Sprite #3851 has been entered below

You will see that the unit output is ‘25213’. These represent the answers chosen with respect to that particular Sprite’s Prologue experience. For the Skydrop Storm, we are concerned with the final answer, which in this instance would be 3, as it is the fifth number, representing and final question in the Prologue.

It is also possible that when you enter a Sprite’s ID, the output is 0. This is because this was a secondary Sprite minted by an allowlisted community member. For these Sprites, we created a random distribution of the Prologue items based on the existing data we already had. So for example, if 30% of Sprites with mint data chose the dagger, then 30% of Sprites with no mint data attached will be able to claim daggers, but those Sprites are chosen randomly.

What number represents which answer?

A great question! Below is a screenshot from the Prologue. The numbers that you see on Etherscan represent their order in the list of answers provided.

So in Etherscan, they would read as the following…

Lyre: 1
Potion: 2
Dagger: 3
Key: 4
Compass: 5

Just as a reminder here, if your Etherscan reads as 0, you will get allocated a Prologue item at random.

How to check whether a Sprite has already claimed their Skydrop item:

Whilst we work on an easier/more straightforward way to check all this information, we have also decided to provide information on how to check whether a Sprite has already claimed their item.

Again, just follow these instructions…

  1. Go to the Sprite Club Stormdrop [ITEM] Token Etherscan page:
  2. Similarly to the prior method, make sure you have selected ‘Contract’, and that you are reading the contract, not writing or looking at the code.

3. Scroll down to point #4 on the contract, ‘claimedSpriteItemIdMap’

4. Enter the ID of the Sprite you wish to check, e.g. #3581 in the image below.

You can see here that the output is ‘2’. This means that this Sprite claimed a potion, which is represented by the number 2.

Lyre: 1
Potion: 2
Dagger: 3
Key: 4
Compass: 5

If the output is 0, that means that this Sprite has an UNCLAIMED Prologue item. So if you decide to purchase it, then you will be able to claim an item along with it, or choose to hold on to it for later!

We’re currently working on something that will make checking all this information a lot easier, but until we have done that we thank you for your patience!

