The Future of Recruitment

Don't Panic, Just Hire
4 min readSep 11, 2015


by Squelo.
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7 facts that will change recruitment in the future.

In the past weeks we had various discussions with HR experts, recruiters and talent and wanted to pass on the knowledge and findings we got. Technology and the Generation Y are changing the way we work, recruit and attract talent.

Direct Sourcing

This might be old news but it will continue to become more and more important: direct sourcing. Already 93% of the companies use or plan to use social initiatives to support their recruitment. Employer branding has become a huge topic over the past years and so will direct sourcing continue to become more important. Direct sourcing has improved the quality and quantity of candidates as well as reduced the time to hire. 69% of recruiters expect hiring to become more competitive over the next years and direct sourcing has become the major tool to win the “war for talent”.

Less Job Postings

As direct sourcing is becoming more important, the old traditional job board will lose its importance. Many job boards struggle to bring the right quality and quantity and more and more companies these days only rely on direct sourcing as it is faster and brings more quality and quantity.

Show versus Tell

These days it is all about success stories and actually showing your work & achievements. We have seen above 83% use social recruiting to also check written & design work and more and more companies want proof of you. It is now only about telling companies what you have done — it is about showing them. Impress the world with your talent.

Future Looking CVs

CV’s have the general problem, that it is just an overview of the past. It tells employers what a person has done, but not what a person is actually looking to do next. Especially in the tech world we see this with engineers who have been programming with some language for the past years, but now are looking into some new technologies.

Time is wasted investigating a possible match and discussing different factors. These days it is more important to actually match what a candidate is looking for as his motivation will be much higher as well as be upfront with facts like compensation and role.

Social Data

Data is making our lives easier these days and so it does for recruiters and companies as well. Social data and the increase in use of technology have changed recruiting once more. It gives recruiters more insights into a candidate’s history as well as the ability to analyze a person’s skills, knowledge and work. Back-end matching, algorithms and data analysis will make our lives easier in the future find the right candidates even faster.

More Insights

In the time of war for talent, the best candidates will always have different options. Today’s generation has different values and wants to know how they can contribute to make the world a better place by taking the job. Companies have to be more open and transparent about the opportunities and even compensation. What matters is the company’s attractiveness from the inside, not the outside.

Role of a Recruiter is changing

New values of a generation brings in changes. The war for talent gets increasingly competitive and today’s recruiters can’t be just talent sourcers anymore, they have to become closers. They are part of a company’s employer brand and represent the company to candidates. As first point of contact they also have be marketers, selling the vision and need to be able to speak the candidates’ language. Attracting talent starts with the first conversations of a recruiter and it is a people’s business and has become a mixture of sales and HR, some even argue it is purely a sales role these days.

The recruiting world is changing fast and recruiters need to be adaptable, driven and curious to keep up with the pace. More channels have become available to find and attract talent faster. As mentioned before, social data plays an increasingly important role, which gives recruiters more insights and makes their role more complex. Recruiting is and will be an opportunity game, which means it stays at a fast pace.

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