SquidGrow Absorption Machine

4 min readMar 24, 2023


In the traditional markets, it is quite common to see acquisitions and mergers between companies. So common in fact, there is a strict process as far as what shareholders, regulators, and companies must go through to process these events. After things are all said and done with these types of deals, from a shareholder perspective, the odds show that shareholders from both companies will benefit financially in most cases.

Additionally, you see these events in the cryptocurrency sector as larger exchanges partner with different entities, and partnerships are commonly forged between projects to help facilitate mutual growth.

But one thing you do not typically see, is a crypto project at the DeFi level merging into another while both are live. Sure, relaunches and migrations are common, but what about other communities joining into one singular community to form a larger one?

This notion of projects merging into one super-project, that continues to grow larger and larger over time, like a giant squid, is something that this sector of the cryptocurrency world has not yet seen.

This brings us to our newest utility —Codename S.A.M.

This bold concept has the potential to be a true fast track to rapid growth as projects join forces. SquidGrow will increase its community, holders, liquidity, and sometimes even utility or staff through this process. Additionally, it will provide an opportunity for those that join us to become part of something truly special.

What does this look like exactly?
- One party agrees to join forces with SquidGrow.
- Shortly after this point, a snapshot is taken and liquidity is extracted from the project that is becoming part of SquidGrow.
- Based on this project’s liquidity, calculations are done to determine the amount of tokens that will be airdropped to the new SquidGrow holders.
- This liquidity will then create a series of large buys and/or LP pairings on the SquidGrow chart.
- Holders from the respective project are then airdropped tokens relative to their liquidity size, and then become part of the SquidGrow community.

As an example, we already executed this process with Versa Finance and were successfully able to bring them into our community to the benefit of their holders, who have provided some feedback:

“As an investor in this space for a long time, I totally understand how it is hard for projects to survive and sustain in tough market conditions, Versa team being aware of this and making a quick decision about getting acquired by SG was the best course in my opinion, the way Squidgrow team handled the acquisition was one of the easiest transition for me, no Versa investor had to do anything at all. No smart contract calls etc, we just held onto our Versa tokens and boom, SG tokens in our bag and it’s already grown in value since the airdrop, very happy with both SG and Versa team.” — William

“To describe the whole Squidgrow acquisition of Versa, all I have to say is complete transparency, total protection for Versa investors and a 100% fair deal.” — Crypto Sam

This is a movement Shibtoshi aims to pioneer over time, that will give stark meaning to the brand name ‘SquidGROW.’ It is a movement or perhaps even what may become a trend, that only big players with grand vision and capital will be able to accomplish. With the apex of X-factors at the helm, Shibtoshi, SquidGrow is more than capable of making this reality.

Note this is open to all projects of all sizes, big or small. We will consistently be on the hunt for all projects to join us on our rise to the top. If you know any please reach out to one of our admins on telegram so that we can discuss further https://t.me/SquidGrowPortalEntry

As SquidGrow begins on this path, it is sure to make waves and turn heads across the space as the legend grows with each acquisition. Stay tuned to see the SquidGrow Absorption Machine (SAM) come into fruition!





SquidGrow is a BEP-20 meme-utility token and is on it’s way to being the biggest cryptocurrency born of this bear market