Max Parnell
1 min readFeb 10, 2016


I love the idea of Adama’s Law and that should become an industry standard term, but perhaps a less absolutist standard would work better. There are measurable benefits for IoT and SCADA systems otherwise industries wouldn’t be rushing so blindly into it. Take the Wired piece from a while ago talking about people hacking together internet controlled Insulin pumps, dumb security wise because almost definitely not done in a secure fashion but the benefits to patient quality of care cannot be doubted.

So perhaps instead of, “If it can kill you, don’t connect it to the network!” as Adama’s Law we could change that to, “ If it can kill you, don’t connect it to the network without first implementing security and safety measures”. The momentum of IoT and IIoT is pushing forward, perhaps the best we can do is make certain that security and safety is a part of it.



Max Parnell

Grown in Needham Mass. Educated on Long Island. All posts and thoughts are my own.