13 Organizations Making An Impact Through Clean Water

7 min readMay 27, 2015


According to the United Nations, 783 million people do not have access to clean water and almost 2.5 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation. These are incredible numbers and there are some incredible organizations trying to combat these figures with the work they do everyday. We all know of the big dogs out there, charity:water and water.org, but there are many other great organizations out there doing some innovative things that may be lesser known to the masses.

DoSomething.org put together a great list of quick facts about water in the developing world(Check it out). Here are a couple of those interesting numbers.

– Almost 2 in 3 people who need safe drinking water survive on less than $2 a day.

– Every minute a child dies of a water-related disease.

– More than 1/2 of all primary schools in developing countries don’t have adequate water facilities

This numbers can be a bit overwhelming, but below you will see the optimism. These organizations are on the front lines of the clean water efforts around the world. They work on the ground with local communities to bring clean water wells, filtration systems, and water education to some of the most needed communities around the globe.

The Water Project

The Water Project — Facebook Page

The Water Project is a non-profit organization providing sustainable water projects to communities in sub-Saharan Africa who suffer from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation. For over seven years, they have been helping communities gain access to clean, safe water by providing training, expertise and financial support for water project construction. They have currently completed hundreds of water projects in Africa spanning 6 countries, including Kenya, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Rwanda, Burkina Faso.


WaterStep empower local populations to avoid perpetual dependency by sharing knowledge and technology to provide safe water solutions in-country. In addition to donations, the primary source of funding comes from their Shoe-Recycling program, which provides micro-business opportunities for poor communities and Reduces landfill waste. They also install portable, inexpensive, highly efficient water disinfection systems based on simple generators. They train local people selected by community organizations to install, operate, and maintain self-contained mini-water treatment plants

Wine to Water

Wine To Water is a non-profit aid organization focused on providing clean water to people in need around the world. Wine symbolizes fortune in our society. Their goal is to give the fortunate population an opportunity to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. Since 2011 Brutocao Cellars and Bliss Family Vineyards have partnered with Wine To Water in their efforts to provide life-saving clean water to those who need it. For every bottle sold, the Brutocao Family will make a donation to Wine To Water to support this mission.


Founded by Jordan Wagner, Generosity.org is a 501c3 humanitarian organization dedicated to ending the clean water crisis, one community at a time. Every $10 you donate can give one person clean water for 20 years. Since 2008, contributions have funded more than 561 wells in 19 countries, serving clean water to more than 340,000 people. Generosity.org has built wells in Liberia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Malawi, Kenya, India, China, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Peru, Rwanda, and Haiti.

Planet Water

Planet Water — Facebook Page

Planet Water is a US-based, non-profit international development organization focused on bringing clean water to the world’s most disadvantaged communities. They accomplish this through the installation of community-based water filtration systems and education programs on water-health & hygiene. Their projects are focused on schools, children, and rural communities who lack access to clean, safe water.

Haiti Water Project

Haiti Water Project — Facebook Page

The Haiti Water Project, through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, aims to provide clean, safe water for communities in Haiti. The goal is to create sustainable water resources that empower local churches to meet the needs around them. One well or cistern can provide fresh water for around 1,000 people. One well or cistern at 500 local churches in Haiti equals 500,000 changed lives. Imagine if Haiti was known more for its hope than for its poverty.

Water For Good

Water For Good is committed to improving lives in one of the world’s most neglected and unstable countries, the Central African Republic (CAR). Water for Good works collaboratively, in long-term partnership, with communities in central Africa, empowering people with sustainable access to clean water and improved agricultural resources. They stay highly engaged with communities over the long-term, providing regular well maintenance visits to keep the water flowing — for good. Through these visits, they build relationships with communities and work with them to initiate projects in agriculture that will make the community more prosperous and empowered over the long-term.

Love Water

Love Water — Facebook Page

Love-Water is a 501c3 that exists to prevent water borne illness, disease, and death, and to restore health and life to those without access to clean water. LW believes that the basic need of water must be met in order for there to be a complete socio-economic transformation from poverty to sustainability. The organization is built of people who are dedicated to this fight and do not accept payment for our passion. We depend on quality and meaningful relationships to help us achieve our low cost, all funds go to the field approach. Not only do they provide access to clean water they also partner with job skills and training centers in the communities we serve, further empowering individuals by opening up a global marketplace for artisans and newly trained widows.

Millions From One

Millions From One — Facebook Page

Their mission is to save millions of lives by providing long-term clean water and antimicrobial shoes, along with education and hygiene training, to those most in need across the world. Millions from One has reached over 1,000,000 children in over 45 countries. Millions from One has a clear vision of providing sustainable solutions that meet the basic needs of life, build community, promote education and provide hope to the hopeless all over the world.

20 Liters

20 Liters — Facebook page

20 Liters began as a conversation with local church leaders in Masaka, Rwanda. It was June of 2008, just after a cholera outbreak where over 500 people died due to contaminated water. So when asked, pastors from 6 denominations what the greatest needs were, the need for clean water was at the top of everyone’s list. From that moment on 20 Liters set out to make clean water a reality for some of the most vulnerable members of the Masaka community. They then developed a key partnership with World Relief Rwanda, to leverage their expertise at mobilizing local churches to bring change to empower local church members to make a difference in their communities through the installation of household water filters and rainwater harvesting systems.

End Water Poverty

End Water Poverty — Facebook Page

End Water Poverty (EWP) is a global civil society coalition campaigning to end the water and sanitation crisis. Established in 2008, they have grown to over 280 members in more than 65 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and North America. Those members are made up of organizations who range in size and scale, from large international non-governmental organisations (INGOs).

Life Water

Lifewater International is a non-profit, Christian water development organization dedicated to effectively and sustainably serving the world’s rural poor through integrated water, sanitation, and hygiene programs. For over 35 years, Lifewater has focused on low-tech water development. Lifewater trains, equips, and empowers local partners to provide their own communities with safe water. The goal is to empower the local population with self-sustaining solutions versus temporary relief. Since 1977, Lifewater has served around the globe to end water-borne diseases. So far they have reached 2.3 million people.

Surge For Water

The SURGE 100 pledge: 100% of event proceeds directly benefit the cause. Surge only partner with charities that guarantee all funds go towards direct costs, which is made possible by their partners, sponsors, private donors, and volunteers who help reduce and cover the administrative costs. Thier mission is to FUND projects that provide access to safe water. To ENGAGE, EDUCATE, and EMPOWER communities in which we live To INVEST in innovation that drives sustainable solutions

Originally published at magazine.stand4.com




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