Stand Up Republic Calls on President Trump to Release His Tax Returns

Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2017

April 15, 2017


Washington, D.C. — Today, Stand Up Republic launched its third ad campaign demanding transparency and accountability from President Donald Trump’s administration.

The newest ad, “Swamp,” is directed at President Trump’s broken campaign promise to release his tax returns, and points out that all Republican and Democratic presidential candidates since Jimmy Carter have released their returns as a good faith gesture of transparency.

“As Americans across the country are finishing their tax returns, we are reminded of President Trump’s promise to release his tax returns, an essential safeguard against corruption,” said Stand Up Republic co-founder Evan McMullin. “With mounting questions about conflicts of interests and foreign entanglements, President Trump owes it to the American people to come clean about his finances.”

“In electing Donald Trump, Americans sent a message that they’re tired of self-serving politicians, and we must hold our leaders accountable and ensure they’re serving our interests, not their own,” said Stand Up Republic co-founder Mindy Finn. “ We have a right to know if there are any financial issues compromising the judgment of our new President. This issue transcends partisan politics, and the time for excuses has long passed.”

Stand Up Republic is planning additional ad campaigns to launch throughout the year and continuing to build the national grassroots network inspired by the McMullin-Finn campaign. The first two ads, “Sunlight” and “Secrets,” focused on the revelations about entanglements between Russia and Trump’s campaign and administration, and supported calls for Congress to appoint a bipartisan select committee to investigate the matter properly. “Swamp” was also released in coordination with an online petition calling for President Trump to release his tax returns.


Stand Up Republic, Inc., a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) organization, was founded by Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn to build a national grassroots movement to defend the democratic ideals, norms, and institutions that have made America the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth and a source of hope for many around the world.

For more information: Sarah Rumpf,



Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic

Founded by @Evan_McMullin and @MindyFinn with the purpose of leading Americans in the promotion of liberty, equality, & truth in America.