Stand Up Republic’s Statement Regarding Today’s Actions by Rep. Devin Nunes

Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2017

March 22, 2017


Washington, D.C. — Stand Up Republic releases the following statement in response to today’s actions by Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA):

“Republican leaders have a choice: protect the Republic, or protect Donald Trump. Today, Chairman Nunes chose to cover for Trump in a politically motivated effort to distract attention from increasing revelations of Trump’s ties to the Kremlin. He broke trust with fellow members of the House Intelligence Committee and with Americans depending on him to get the truth. We can no longer trust Nunes to put America’s best interests above those of Donald Trump,” said Evan McMullin, co-founder of Stand Up Republic and former CIA officer.

“Nunes’ troubling conduct today highlights the urgent need for a bipartisan select committee to take over the Congressional investigation of the connections between the Russian government and President Donald Trump’s campaign. Nunes’ impartiality was already in question due to his role on the Trump transition team, and his attempts to derail queries over Russian interference in our election during this week’s hearings,” said Mindy Finn, co-founder of Stand Up Republic.

“Now that Director Comey has publicly acknowledged that there is an active investigation into connections between Russia and the Trump campaign, the standing intelligence committees cannot be entrusted with properly handling this issue and Congress must immediately establish a bipartisan select committee to advance the investigation,” said McMullin.

Stand Up Republic urges the American people to contact their members of Congress and demand their support for a bipartisan select committee to handle this investigation.


Stand Up Republic, Inc., a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) organization, was founded by Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn to build a national grassroots movement to defend the democratic ideals, norms, and institutions that have made America the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth and a source of hope for many around the world.

Since launching in January, Stand Up Republic has continued to support holding the Trump administration accountable regarding any entanglements with Russia. The latest ad, “Sunlight,” urges Americans to encourage their Congressional representatives to appoint a bipartisan select committee to conduct a proper investigation. The ad began airing last Tuesday, with an initial two-week buy on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC in the Washington, D.C. market, as well as a national digital and social media campaign.

For more information: Sarah Rumpf,



Stand Up Republic
Stand Up Republic

Founded by @Evan_McMullin and @MindyFinn with the purpose of leading Americans in the promotion of liberty, equality, & truth in America.