State of the Union 2014
State of the Union 2014
2 min readSep 22, 2014



A Stanford University class, open to all, Autumn 2014

We live in an age of rising inequality, dazzling technological innovations, economic volatility, geopolitical uncertainty, and the accumulating impact of climate change. These conditions confront our political leaders and us as citizens of a democracy plagued by dysfunction. What are the implications for our nation?

Stanford University is hosting a class in autumn 2014 on the State of the Union. Led by David Kennedy (Pulitzer prize-winning historian and Stanford History professor), Rob Reich (Stanford Political Science professor), and Jim Steyer (CEO of Common Sense Media, Stanford lecturer), the course will bring together distinguished analysts of American politics.

The class is open to Stanford University students and to community members enrolled through Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program.

It is also open to everyone else.

You can follow along by joining the Stanford iTunes U version of the class.

We’ll be experimenting with multiple information channels for the class, including this site on Medium. You can find us at the following places:



There will be seven sessions of the class, each on a different topic. Here is the schedule.

September 23: Midterm Elections

September 30: The State of the Union in California

October 7: Education

October 14: Technology and Social Change

October 21: The Environment and Climate Change

October 28: Inequality and Social Mobility

November 4: Election Day, no class

November 11: Foreign Policy

Details about each class session will be available in separate posts.



State of the Union 2014
State of the Union 2014

@Stanford course unpacking the nation's most pressing challenges with David Kennedy, @RobReich, @JimSteyer, and special guests.