Pundi X Gigantic Parachute

5 min readNov 10, 2017


Kind time of days friends. Literally today I came across a network of one tempting project that will be able to make a real revolution in the world of crypto-currencies. The idea of ​​the project is so innovative that I simply have to share it with you. So get ready, I’ll tell you about the Pundi X project today. And I’ll also explain,
why the project is very important for the crypto-currency world, as well as how to participate in the upcoming ICO.

Pundi X: Permit merchants multifaceted globally put up for sale as well as accept to acquire Cryptocurrency

In the gigantic widespread market, majority of the Habitual patrons be not aware with cryptocurrency connoisseur. Habitual patrons by stander go to the sky-high and tumble in the worth of bitcoin. In the world wide souk, hitherto gargantuan user not to be familiar with to procure bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, customary patrons peruse concerning bitcoin as well as the blockchain. Barely genuinely experts be aware with the private key, public key, bitcoin Addresses as well as signatures. That’s mystifying jumble Intended for clients. To procure the cryptocurrency in the souk dilemma arises globally among the users becomes swiftly.

To resolve imperative dilemma that allied to procure the cryptocurrency, Pundi X is the plateful habitual clients that en route for procure cryptocurrency in unproblematic etiquettes just painless akin to as acquire a bud vase of water as of a expediency store.

The problem of paying for goods and services for crypto currency is very acute. Even though the technology of the block is extremely advanced, very few shops and offline companies are ready to accept crypto currency as a means of paying for their goods and services. The team of the Pundi X project categorically disagrees. Developers Pundi X consider,
that to buy goods or services for crypto-currencies, as well as the crypto-currencies themselves should be simple. Just how to buy a bottle of water in the store.

The principal difference from other similar projects is the availability of a ready-made and working sample. Pundi X has created a special terminal for payment of goods and servants for crypto-currencies. With its help, as well as using the Pundi X card and an account in the system, everyone can pay for goods from his Pundi X account,
and also buy crypto-currencies and put them into your account. Payment and purchase of crypto currency can take place using your phone, bank card or account.

PXS is the token procured all through this ICO. Fuels expenses intended for services turn into lying on Pundi X. By chipping in ICO token possessors can get hold of PXS at a cut-rate, plus selling PXS on a inferior price on the way to consumers of Pundi X services. to keep PXS Token possessors prefer will benefit as of the continual sharing of tokens throughout Proof of Stake every month intended for three years.

Cryptocurrency dealings are conceded out via selling cryptocurrency resting on the Pundi X dais in swap over intended for confined coinage, thus that possessions or services can then be acquiredvia confined coinage, in fulfillment with the apt convention in every confinedauthority.

Pundi X endeavor is to develop into cryptocurrency’s offline rummage sale network which think Walmart or else 7-Eleven that provided the first all-inclusive online en route for offline cryptocurrency sales resolution that rope in a decentralized sales set of connections, a multi-coinage wallet that is fiat as well as crypto, decentralized trading platform as well as ICO platform

Ecosystem Pundi X will look like this. All users who connect and use Pundi X will have their accounts and their cards. Through them, they will pay for purchases on terminals Pundi X. Then go to go a special technology,
which combines all the terminals into one large system based on the block system and using the technology of smart contracts Pundi X POS. According to the calculations of the team in a couple of years, the number of users will be 100 million, and there will be a huge number of points that will support the terminals Pundi X.
All calculations are provided on the project website — https://www.pundix.com/

ICO project Pundi X starts on October 30. During the ICO, the PXS token will be distributed, which will be required for transactions and calculations on the platform. The use of this token is extremely important for the entire operation of the Pundi X ecosystem. The price of the token will be based on Ico 1 ETH = 500 PXS calculations. Also do not forget about the incentive system for early investors.

ICO minutiae

Phase Concession

Phase 1 additional 15% token

Phase 2 additional 10% token

Phase 3 additional 5% token

Phase 4 not an iota

Pundi X accept ETH intended for PXS

Pundi X Ratio: 1 ETH: 500 PXS

Hard cap is about 280.000 ETH


Websites : https://www.pundix.com/

WhitePaper : https://www.pundix.com/pdf/PundiX_WhitePaper_EN_FinalVer1.pdf

Telegram : https://t.me/Pundix

Twitter : https://twitter.com/PundiXLabs

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pundixlabs/

Bitcointalk ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2212228


