Dr. Stanley Mathew — Medical Director of St. Luke’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Dr. Stanley Mathew
3 min readOct 11, 2018


Since 2009, Dr. Stanley Mathew has been the Medical Director of St. Luke’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. During his time as Medical Director, Dr. Mathew has taken a keen interest in certain areas of physical medicine such as spasticity and pain management, along with spine and musculoskeletal medicine. Dr. Mathew finds that one of the most rewarding aspects of his job is getting to interact with patients. Dr. Mathew forms close relationships with this patients and strives to ensure that they get the best treatment they need in a timely manner. While working with his patients, Dr. Mathew communicates realistic expectations to his patients. Working in the Physiatry field comes with its unique set of difficulties with patients wanting immediate relief and treatment for their ailments. Dr. Mathew creates a welcoming environment for all of his patients and looks to make a positive impact.

Dr. Stanley Mathew received his degree from the Medical University of Lublin in Poland in 2004. Shortly after graduating with his degree Dr. Stanley moved to Iowa and immediately fell in love with the state. Iowa was nothing like where he grew up in New York. With The new landscape and fresh perspective Dr. Mathew laid the groundwork for his career in Cedar Rapids.

Dr. Mathew quickly realized that his career would require hard work and determination to succeed. Dr. Mathew was determined to prove himself in Cedar Rapids and quickly worked his way up to his current position as medical director. Dr. Mathew firmly believes that one of the most valuable lessons someone can learn is that hard work and a positive attitude can get you where you want to be.

As a physiatrist, Dr. Mathew focuses on enhancing and restoring functional ability and overall quality of life to people who have physical conditions or disabilities. Dr. Stanley Mathew centers his practice around non-opioid treatment for pain treatment. Much of Dr. Mathew’s services include aspects of massage, acupuncture, and Botox injections. There area number of sub-categories that fall under Physiatry such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, recreational therapists, psychologists, and social workers. Physiatrists can even treat neurological conditions such as stroke, brain injury, and spinal cord injury.

Opioids have caused many people to become addicted and the medication can be easily abused among patients and others. Dr. Stanley Mathew offers alternatives treatments to opioids that are proven to work. Dr. Stanley looks forward to the opportunity to use stem cells as a form of medical treatment in his field. Stem cells have the ability to revolutionize the way people treat physical conditions and disabilities without ever having to consider using opioids.

Along with the job responsibilities of a medical director, Dr. Mathew focuses his spare time sharing his wealth ok medical knowledge to attorney’s and insurance companies when needed. Dr. Stanley has worked on a multitude of personal injury, malpractice, and class action cases over the years. To learn more about Dr. Stanley Mathew and his practices visit his website or his social media profiles.

