Video AI Resolving Critical Security Issues in India

Staqu Technologies
10 min readSep 23, 2021


With changing technological trends on a frequent basis and changes in the lifestyle of people in India, it is time for India’s digital transformation and making it a safer and smarter country. Among various security solutions, one of the smart and best solutions is “video analytics” blended with artificial intelligence. A few years back when closed-circuit surveillance systems were introduced for public safety no one would even have thought that it can be made smarter and précised however with the change in time and introduction of AI, “Video AI” is the new tech that has revolutionized the security issues in India in public as well as private sector. In the next 3 years, the world will have more cameras than the humans on earth, which means we don’t have enough manpower to man the CCTV surveillance. Hence AI-powered video analytics and management are going to be a new revolution.

Public Sector

In today’s modern era the citizens of cities are mainly concerned about their security. Real-time video analytics along with artificial intelligence ensures that they are providing best-in-class security features that will help in building a better world through its innovative video analytics solution. And this safety is ensured at two levels — 1. Harmony within the system by maintaining laws 2. Detection of people who are disturbing that stable law ecosystem. Both problems are maintained by AI-enabled video analytics solutions. Let’s have a look at how it’s done-

Blacklisted/whitelisted person: In this, any unauthorized access captured in security cameras will be alerted so that only an authorized person is allowed to enter the area or a person who is associated with any criminal activity. Any person not allowed to enter a specific area can be blacklisted for entering that location and when they are seen violating the no-entry rules in the camera feed, an alert can be generated.

Gunshot/Explosion detection: Another important piece of data that flows from many of these CCTV cameras is audio which can further be used as problem-solving tools to identify many scenes just by AI. For example, many of the contemporary gunshot detection systems were originally developed for and utilized by the military however today gunshot detection technologies and applications are a little different. Gunshot detection systems use sound sensing technologies to recognize, distinguish, report issues with a real-time alert. It will detect the position where the shot was fired and send a real-time notification or text message to the concerned security personnel to warn them that a shot has been fired or an explosion has happened. Some Gunshot detection like Staqu’s Jarvis systems uses existing CCTV, along with AI-powered advanced acoustic AI models to identify gunshot, explosion, screaming, etc.

Fire/smoke detection: This feature allows to detection of smoke and fire through AI algorithm video analytics with the help of real-time analytics.

Virtual boundary: This AI technology feature allows to draw a virtual boundary line around the selected area it not only ensures banning of unauthorized entries but also ensures that no inappropriate object is thrown within the boundary.

Crowd management: This feature helps in managing the crowd gathered by people counting and tracking them. Covid has made this detection of a crowd of utmost importance.

Violence detection: AI systems are now making it possible to identify the activities related to violence and alerting without any human interference which makes it a more powerful tool for maintaining law and order situations.

The proper use and application of CCTV video analytics can help in saving time and may help in controlling and maintaining traffic problems. Some of the applications of video analytics that can be used in the traffic management system are:

Vehicle classification: It helps in detecting the type of vehicle whether it is an LMV, SUV, or any heavy vehicle along with number plate and color. This can help in managing traffic issues due to illegal vehicle entry problems.

Proof of occurrence of an accident: It helps us to gather information and evidence in case of accidents which can help in smooth proceedings of case solving.

Congestion detection: Artificial Intelligence-powered video analytics also helps to detect the speed of traffic, whether the traffic is moving at a slow rate or fast or halted, and will ensure that there is no traffic congestion in the city which otherwise is not possible in camera for CCTVs.

Halted vehicle detection: It helps to detect the vehicles; that are parked in no parking areas using artificial intelligence.

Vehicle number plate recognition: It is one of the most important features of video analytics-enabled digital technology in traffic management that helps to identify & read vehicle number plate numbers for accessing all the data related to the vehicle, which can then be used for toll, traffic control, suspicious activities detection, etc.

Speed and Motion Analysis: This is the most widely used CCTV video analytics application worldwide. It is used to control speeding on roads. It works on a vehicle’s projection, speed, and trajectory analysis.

Institutional campuses: Video AI in education institutions is emerging as a vital camera system or tool to faculties and the admin staff for maintaining attendance records, checking on student behavior, campus safety, etc. In India, schools are seen adopting video analytics for fire and smoke detection, crowd behavior, and fight detection among students in order to improvise response time so that measurable action can be taken quickly with a minimum response time.

Private Sector

Aside from the public sector, AI-enabled video analytics is playing a major role in helping private sector players to take the right ROI decisions and their digital transformation. They are now also evaluating how they can be more efficient, not only to save money but also to increase revenue and improve customer experience. Some of the use cases are

Indoor and outdoor Compound Monitoring

One of the most critical activities for operations, planning, and service management is an accurate vehicle and pedestrian traffic statistics using streams of cameras enabled with artificial intelligence. On an hourly, daily, or weekly basis, CCTV cameras video analytics visualization data, and real-time alerts can be utilized to surveillance video analytics which automates tracking the number of people or vehicles that pass through any given location and also for queue management. So that planners in the airline and transit industries can make better judgments from security cameras to reduce public safety hazards and crowding.

Operational Intelligence and Footfall Analysis

Transit hub management teams with the help of CCTV surveillance will identify how visitors tend to approach different retailers or restaurants, discover how they interact with ad kiosks, and quantify how many unique visitors pass by or enter a tenant site by monitoring footfall statistics for commercial analysis. This camera for CCTV information can be used to guide computer vision tenant sales and pricing at the airport or transportation hub. This allows them to streamline business processes like calculate the value of terminal rental space and determine which attractions or amenities will have the greatest positive influence on the visitor experience based on extensive traffic and demographic data.

Heatmap Analysis: Track the flow of customers within the outlet. This feature uses CCTV cameras to identify the ‘hottest’ spot within the outlet and also people counting. It can also help the management analyze the brand/product that is performing the best and enables smart data-driven decision-making.

Logistics and Warehouse: With the emergence of AI video analytics in India the logistic system and the supply chain network are becoming smarter, safer, and efficient by performing tasks based on identifying variations and sending real-time alerts to ensure proper safety and efficiency of the logistic system. By monitoring the truck bay, driver’s health.

Staff Productivity Check: Real-time monitoring of staff performance is made possible by automating CCTVs with artificial intelligence ai. The store supervisor can centrally or remotely check whether the staff members are executing their tasks in a prescribed way or not. AI technology Optimizing the exact number of staff members needed in-store is a product that is possible by analyzing the customer inflow and outflow. The management can take direct cost-cutting measures to assist make the most out of the available resources.

Demographic Analysis: analysis of the age and gender of the customers can be enabled on the CCTV cameras. Such insights are efficacious in inventory management and also assists in smart marketing campaigns.

Ports, harbor, and airports: Besides the safety of passengers, crowd management, detecting unknown objects, and dangerous stuff, AI-based real-time CCTV surveillance can also be used for monitoring and inspecting important areas like cargo terminals, luggage hangars, the health of the runway, and nearby areas for preventing unauthorized entry. If any of the above is breached by any unauthorized access or thing an alert is sent to the concerned authorities and the action is taken in minimum response time.

Premium Customer Identification: With the use of Facial Recognition, the staff members can identify their repetitive and premium customers using CCTV cameras and improve digital business. Such an analysis can enable a better customer experience, and considering the business model, 80% of a store’s revenue comes from 20% loyal customers, this feature of Video Analytics in India is a must-have in this era of digital transformation.

Manufacturing: One of the oldest industrial sectors that witness a major change since its beginning to the current era of video analytics and ai technology. With the emergence of video AI not only the manufacturing process is speeded up but also the worker’s safety is improvised and reduction in wastage of manpower and resources is witnessed.

Real-time video analytics plays a vital role in lowering the manufacturing defects and maintain a good quality of the product as with the variance in public demand for the product it is difficult for human eyes to spot the defects this is where video analytics plays a vital role by making the quality assurance process automatic, identifying the missing components or mismatching in the products, damages, etc. Loss Prevention Managers will easily and conveniently collect products that have been recorded at the door, using CCTV systems for managing and monitoring loading and unloading. And especially after the beginning of this COVID 19 pandemic manufacturing plants operations have been monitored using video analytics to ensure social distancing, wearing of masks, and wearing proper safety gear. Smart monitoring of conveyor belts by JARVIS to streamline productivity analysis.

Personal and Home safety

In a country like India where security is taken as a burden, not as a culture, it is quite challenging to ensure safety measures at home with safety cameras. Reasons can be many — inefficiency of security systems, the cost associated with it, or many more. People need a system that is reliable and cost-effective. Some of the technologies that people have adopted in the past few years for indoor safety are:

Intrusion detection: Any suspicious activity will be detected. Even if a person is trying to mess with the camera, an alert will be sent for any taking problem-solving action which will prevent any mishap.

Fire and smoke detection: AI-enabled video analytics will generate alerts if a fire or even smoke is detected which will prevent huge losses which might have been done from fire.

After the emergence of the “Smart India Initiative” by the government of India, video AI is a vital tool that can be used to prevent and investigate theft, unauthorized access, vandalism, sabotage, terrorism or other uncontrolled damage to our infrastructure and help in safety and security of our nation. Staqu has taken this responsibility to solve security issues in India. Other than criminal activities and human error misshaping, AI-powered video analytics is also used to secure people from natural disasters by alerting the officials and the concerned authorities so that measuring steps can be taken in zero response time.

Staqu is ensuring video AI solutions are playing a vital role in addressing safety and security issues as they have the versatility to be used for a better, smarter and safer India.

