StarLaunch to Pioneer Auction Pools on Solana

4 min readDec 27, 2021



It has not been long since the SS StarLaunch began its journey into the depths of space. Word of our journey has spread far beyond the Milky Way, garnering the attention of the wider intergalactic community. In this short time we’ve visited a number of exotic locales, including: the planet MonkeyBall; the host world of the PRISM; and in a few short days, the not-so-large planet upon which the Tiny Colony has been established. We will be exploring many more solar systems in the near future. There has never been a more exciting time to be aboard the SS StarLaunch.

During the upcoming leg of our journey, we will encounter entities from the outer reaches of the universe. Our reputation now precedes us. We are pleased to report that civilizations building projects around distant stars wish to share their offerings with the SS StarLaunch community. It will soon become possible for these projects to do so without us having to visit their worlds. Cadets — we are pleased to announce construction of a brand new space station, the Astropools station. Astropools will serve as an additional hub for intergalactic commerce, ushering in a golden era of opportunity for members of the StarLaunch community.

Auction Floor Demo


Located in the outer reaches of the Milky Way, the Astropools station will provide us with more tools and open new trade opportunities with countless worlds. We feel a sense of duty to afford our community exposure to as many high-quality opportunities as possible, especially those projects working to further the adoption of blockchain technology. Astropools will help us to pursue this objective and accommodate the overwhelming amount of public interest in the StarLaunch platform.

But what is Astropools?

In short, it is a fundraising platform geared towards bootstrapping liquidity without bots undercutting the viability of fair-launches on the Solana blockchain. In January, Astropools will become the first platform available on Solana to host token auction pools. This system is fundamentally different from the existing StarLaunch model and will not compete with or replace the StarLaunch IDO model. Rather, it will complement our existing model in several ways.

Auction Creation

Auction Pools

An auction pool is a novel token distribution mechanism that provides projects with the infrastructure they need to deliver a fair-launch. Participants in Astropools auctions will have more freedom to decide how many tokens they wish to purchase. There is no minimum or maximum allocation. The price of tokens available through auction pools will begin high before dropping off based on a decay curve that changes depending on how users participate in the auction. This process allows price discovery to unfold naturally, and without the malign influence of bots or rogue artificial intelligences.

The auction pool model will allow StarLaunch to host additional projects that will not require launchpad or acceleration services. This will afford the Solana community access to opportunities they would not otherwise have exposure to.

Staking STARS and burning Hydrazine will remain exclusively the only way to participate in projects launching through the central StarLaunch platform. Astropools’ auction pool model–the first of its kind on Solana–will afford our community with early access to more projects, by ensuring the fair-launch model is viable on Solana.

StarPool (vetted) and Permissionless List

Buy and Burn

While you can expect to hear much more about auction pools in coming weeks, we will leave you with one last piece of exciting news from the Astropools station. A full 50% of the fees collected by the Astropools platform–from both permissioned StarPool auctions as well as permissionless auctions–will be used to market-buy $STARS tokens. These tokens will then be burned. This buy-and-burn mechanism adds an additional deflationary mechanism to our platform that will further reduce the total supply of the token over time.

Stay tuned for more details on this exciting turn in our journey!

About StarLaunch
StarLaunch is a unique and dynamic incubator and launchpad, connecting promising Solana projects to early supporters and a network of key partners. The StarLaunch team operates by prioritizing its community first. StarLaunch brings thoroughly vetted projects to its community and protects IDO participants with an in-house insurance program.

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StarLaunch brings you on board with exciting new projects on the Solana Blockchain. StarLaunch is one of the leading launchpads on Solana!