Adjustments on StarMon Simulation Gameplays on April

StarMon Metaverse
2 min readApr 14, 2022

Dear StarMon trainers, we plan to adjust the simulation gameplays of StarMon in the revision updated in April. Please check the following for specific adjustments.

1. Star Upgrade adjustment: The current star upgrading consumes $GST Token and Starmon NFT, in the revision, the $GST token will be replaced by $SMON token, while the consumption of Starmon NFT remains unchanged.

2. Starmon evolution adjustment: The current evolution consumes $GST Token and Starmon NFT, in the revision, the $GST token will be replaced by $SMON token, and the consumption of Starmon NFT remains unchanged.

3. Starmon character refine adjustment: The current personality refining consumes $GST Token, and it will be replaced by $SMON token in the revision.

4. Starmon potential improving adjustment: The current potential improving consumes $GST token, and it will be replaced by $SMON token in the revision.

5. Starmon training adjustment involves changes in 2 aspects.

5.1 Consumption token adjustment: In the revision, the consumption token will be changed from $GST to $SMON.

5.2 The total upper training limit adjustment: In the revision, the total upper training limit will be changed from 12 points to 24 points.

5.3 The upper training limit of single attribute adjustment: The upper limit of a single attribute will be changed from 6 points to 8 points, which means that three attributes can reach the upper limit in the revision, while only two attributes can reach the training upper limit before.

Note: The specific value of SMON consumption in the revision is still being adjusted, please stay tuned for further updates.

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