Preview of StarMon Arena Adjustment

StarMon Metaverse
3 min readMar 29, 2022

Dear StarMon trainers, the Arena is planned to have adjustments. We are going to give a preview of the relevant adjustments, and will release more details in the future. The specific adjustments are as follows:

New season settlement time:

After the adjustment, a season will take 15 days. A new season will start at the end of the last season, and the points will be reset.

Season Rewards:

Season rewards will be settled in every 15 days, and gSMON(Game SMON Token) rewards will be distributed according to the ranking.

More specific information about ranking rewards will be released in the near future.

gSMON Introduction:

gSMON(Game SMON Token), a new token in the game, can be used for the consumption of multiple functions in the game, and can also be withdrawn to chain and exchanged for SMON.

More information about on-chain exchange will be announced in the near future.

Arena treasure box system:

Introduction: Players can participate in StarMon Arena to get treasure boxes, which contain gSMON and prop fragment as rewards.

More instructions are as follows:

1. Treasure box slots: a total of 4 slots, the first slot is free to open, and the remaining 3 slots are determined according to the highest star rating of the Starmon currently owned in the account and the total star rating of all Starmons. After opening, players can fight in Arena to get treasure boxes.

a) The first treasure box slot: free to open

b) The second treasure box slot: 2-star Starmons >= 3, the total number of stars of all Starmons > 8

c) The third treasure box slot: 3-star Starmons>=2, 4-star Starmons>=1, the total number of stars of all Starmons>12

d) The fourth treasure box slot: 5-star Starmons>=2, 6-star Starmons>=1, the total number of stars of all Starmons>20

2. How to get treasure box?

Players can get treasure box by battling in Arena and win. The more slots, the higher the probability of obtaining high-level treasure box.

3. Treasure box level:

The treasure boxes are divided into 4 levels: ordinary, advanced, epic, and legendary, which contains different rewards. The higher the treasure box level, the better the reward players can get. The rewards include gSMON, as well as Starmon upgrade props, skill machine fragments, advanced prop reward such as equipment fragments.

4. Open the treasure box:

The countdown will automatically start after each acquisition of the treasure box, and when the countdown is over, players can manually open the treasure box to obtain rewards.

5. Restrictions on transferring Starmons:

After the advanced Starmons are transferred, the slot will disappear immediately, and the transferred Starmon will be added with the mark. After the marked Starmon is transferred to a new account, the slots that meet the number of stars judgment will be restricted and the slot will only take effect when the judgment limit is canceled. This mark is valid for 1 day.

Starmon hierarchical mechanism changes:

At the beginning of each season, all Starmon levels in the Arena will be reset to level 10. During the season, the arena treasure box or VIP stake treasure box can generate upgrade props, players can upgrade the Starmon to a maximum of level 50 through the upgrade prop. The use of the upgrade prop will increase experience to all Starmons at the same time. The upgrade props can be saved, which is convenient for players to use in any season.

Arena Inspiration Aura:

Inspirational aura can improve all attributes of Starmons in Arena, and the aura intensity are determined according to the VIP levels of the player.

More information about VIP will be announced in the near future.

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