StarMon Game Progress Sharing-Phase VII

StarMon Metaverse
7 min readOct 30, 2021


Hello, everyone. I’m Andrei. Thanks for your support for StarMon. The introduction the game has come to the end. Today, in addition to the introduction of the Golden Badge Starmon, we will also give an introduction to the Legendary Badge Starmon. Also, we will stress the system introduction of the Heterochromatic Flicker Starmon, and bring the appearance of the first batch of 3 Heterochromatic Flicker Starmons.

Let’s start with the introduction of Golden Starmon.

Name: Ninja

Source: Gold Badge Exchange

Element: Fire

Starmon setting bias: high attack, high speed

Starmon Skill 1: Flame Strike — — Fire physical attack skill.

Starmon skill 2: Magic Flame — — fire special attack skill, reduce attack.

Starmon skill 3: Alacrity — — general offensive attack skill.

Starmon skill 4: Wraith — — Ghost Light, halve the attack and damage opponent’s health.

1st order normal form

1st order standby action:

1st order normal attack action:

1st order skill release action:

Name: Plant

Source: Gold Badge Exchange

Element: Wood

Starmon setting bias: high defense, high speed.

Starmon skill 1: Leaf Storm — -Wooden super special attack skill, ability to drop your side.

Starmon Skill 2: Ultimate Absorption — -Wooden Skill, weaken the opponent and heal the wound.

Starmon skill 3: Leaf Blade — — wooden attack skill, easy to be critical strike.

Starmon skill 4: Cotton Defense — — Wooden skill, increase 3 levels of defense.

1st order normal form

1st order standby action:

o 1st order normal attack action:

1st order skill release action:

Name: Violent

Source: Gold Badge Exchange

Element: dual element, Gold and Wood

Starmon setting bias: high attack, balance.

Starmon skill 1: Earthquake — -Earthy high AoE object attack skill

Starmon Skill 2: Dragon claw, dragon high attack skill.

Starmon skill 3: Dragon Pulse — — Dragon special attack skill.

Starmon skill 4: Dragon Dance, dragon BUFF skill, increase attack and speed.

1st order normal form

1st order standby action:

o 1st order normal attack action:

o 1st order skill release action:

Next is the introduction of the Legendary Starmon.

Name: Moon

Source: Legendary Badge Exchange

Element: dual element, Darkness and Poison

Starmon setting bias: high special attack, high speed

Starmon skill 1: Shadow Ball, dark high-power special attack and energy saving, with the probability of reducing special defense.

Starmon skill 2: Sludge Bomb, poison special attack skill with a probability of poisoning.

Starmon skill 3: Shadow Sneak, dark first attack skill.

Starmon skill 4: Acceleration, a general skill that increases Starmon’s speed by 1 stage.

1st order normal form

1st order standby action:

1st order normal attack action:

1st order skill release action:

Name: Shine

Source: Legendary Badge Exchange

Element: dual element, Light and Flying

Starmon setting bias: high defense and high special attack

Starmon skill 1: Light Ball, Light high-power special attack and skill.

Starmon skill 2: Air Slash, Flying special attack skill with a probability of deterring the opponent.

Starmon skill 3: Defense Dance,improve defense and special defense

Starmon skill 4: Self-renewal, restore half of your life limit.

1st order normal form

1st order standby action:

1st order normal attack action:

1st order skill release action:

Name: Emperor

Source: Legendary Badge Exchange

Element: dual element, Gold and Dragon

Starmon setting bias: high speed, balance.

Starmon skill 1: Sharp Gold Strike, high-power golden attack skill.

Starmon Skill 2: Dragon Claw, dragon high-power attack skill.

Starmon skill 3: Dragon Pulse — — Dragon special attack skill.

Starmon skill 4: Dragon Dance, dragon BUFF skill, increase attack and speed.

1st order normal form

1st order standby action:

1st order normal attack action:

1st order skill release action:

You may be curious why there is no 2nd order form of Gold and Legendary Starmons. It is because the 2nd order form is still under improvement. We will release the 2nd order form when they are ready.

Heterochromatic Flicker Starmon

Let’s review the settings of “Heterochromatic Flicker” before introducing the first batch of three Heterochromatic Flicker Starmons.

There is a special kind of Starmon on the continent of Andres, that is, Heterochromatic Flicker Srarmon. They are rare in different races, and their appearances are extremely cool which make them different from ordinary Starmon. In addition, they are born with a certain percentage increase in attributes than ordinary Starmons.

The appearance conditions of the Heterochromatic Flicker Srarmons are quite special, related to the number of each race, and also related to reproduction.

When the total number of each race in the continent reaches a certain number, several Heterochromatic Flicker Srarmons will appear in the next breeding, and when the total number continues to increase to a certain level, the number of Heterochromatic Flicker Srarmons of that race will be increased. quantity.

Let’s take a look at the introduction of these 3 different-colorHeterochromatic Flicker Srarmons, and take this opportunity to supplement the parts that have not been explained before in terms of skills and settings.

First, the Starmon of the black iron badge.

Name: Winter

Source: Black Iron Badge Exchange

Element: dual element, Water and Ice

Starmon setting bias: high special attack, balance.

Starmon skill 1: Water Cannon, water high-power attack skill.

Starmon Skill 2: Ice Beam, icy special attack with a probability of freezing.

Starmon skill 3: Rain Dance — — weather skill, increase water skill after rain.

Starmon skill 4: Auroral streamer — — halve the opponent’s damage.

Heterochromatic Flicker form:

Name: Tooth

Source: Black Iron Badge Exchange

Element: dual element, Earth and Gold

Starmon setting bias: high attack, high defense.

Starmon skill 1: Earthquake — -earthy high-power AoE object attack skill

Starmon Skill 2: Sharp Gold Strike, high-power golden attack skill

Starmon skill 3: Dondochakka Prensa — — general skill with a probability of paralysis.

Starmon skill 4: Iron Wall, increase self-defense by 2 stages.

Heterochromatic Flicker form:

Name: Royal Treasure

Source: Black Iron Badge Exchange

Element: dual element, Earth and Gold

Starmon setting bias: high defense, poison attack

Starmon skill 1: Water Cannon — — water high-power attack skill.

Starmon Skill 2: Sludge Bomb — — poison special attack skill with a probability of poisoning.

Starmon skill 3: Self-renewal — — restore half of your life limit.

Starmon skill 4: Poison Shield Defense — — complete defense, poison opponents’ attack

· Heterochromatic Flicker form:

About game progress

The overall research and development has entered the final stage of the first version. After the finalization, we will first carry out internal testing and overall optimization. It is expected to meet with you in early November. The current progress is the same as the last announcement and there is no change. Please wait patiently and welcome the arrival of the first test version!

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