Referral Sharing Mechanism

3 min readDec 31, 2021


Conditions for referrers:

Anyone with an invitation link can become a referrer. If a referrer has at least one NFT in his/her account, the referrer will have a share of the referral earning.

The bond between referrer and referee is valid for a period of 30 days (during this period if the referrer’s account has less than one NFT, no earning from referrals will be given but the bond between the referrer and referee will remain valid).

Referral earnings are as described below:

  1. When a referee buys a mystery box in the marketplace using SEA tokens, 5.75% of the total transaction amount, as well as 7% of the platform fee (4.25%) charged by the platform, will be given to the referrer.

For example: If a referee spends 1500 SEA to purchase three mystery boxes, then his/her referrer can get: 1500*5.75%+1500*4.25%*7%=90.7125 $SEA

2. When a referee makes purchases via C2C, 7% of the platform fee (4.25%) charged by the platform will be given to the referrer.

For example: If a referee made purchases via C2C in the total amount of 3 BNB, then his/her referrer can get: 3*4.25%*7%=0.008925 BNB

3. A referee will contribute promotion points to their referrer for all purchases made in the marketplace. The top 500 referrers ranked by the total number of promotion points during the season will be rewarded a referrer bonus.

Platform fee includes purchase shark NFTs through using $SEA on StarSharks official website and the C2C transactions on marketplace all at a rate of 4.25%, of which the distribution is outlined below;

  1. 1% allocated for agency rewards, 2% allocated for guild rewards.
  2. 7% allocated for referral earning which will remain valid for 30 days; upon expiry, SEA will be burned and BNB will be put into the staking pool.
  3. 70% will be allocated to the staking pool.
  4. 20% will be allocated as the platform’s revenue.

Noted: When the referrer/agency/guild does not meet the referral conditions, SEA will be burned and BNB will be put into the staking pool.

Breakdown of the distribution of SEA earnings:

a. 90% Burned;

b. 5.75% Referrer;

c. 4.25% Platform fee:

20% goes to the platform revenue

3% goes to the guild

7% goes to the referrer

70% is burned

Breakdown of the distribution of SEA earnings for the first season without referrals.

500 SEA -

500*4.25%*20%=4.25 SEA to the platform revenue

495.75 Burned

All $SEA Token earnings for referrers will be calculated at the end of the month. Because there was no affiliation in December, the relevant $SEA are burned. The earning from referrals will start in January.

Risk warning: Cryptocurrency trading is subject to high market risk. Please make your trades cautiously.

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