Reward Mechanism And Calculation Rules of the StarSharks.Warriors PvP Game

3 min readDec 22, 2021


This article is an in-depth analysis of the PvP ranking of the StarSharks.Warriors game on the StarSharks platform. The top 500 individual ranks are eligible to get rewards in the game according to the games’ monthly PvP ranking. The rewards system of the PvP ranking is based on the monthly trading volume (It is composed of Monthly C2C trading volume(BNB) + Monthly trading volume of using SEA to purchase the mystery boxes in StarSharks‘ official marketplace.) by the players in the Platform.

1. Monthly Reward Mechanism Of $SSS

For the first year, the monthly $SSS Token release formula is y= 78,000 *a1 + 7,800 *(x-1)*a2; the minimum value of “y” is 78,000, and its maximum value is 780,000. “x” is an integer for the number of BNB divided by 10,000 (decimals are discarded); The a1 and a2 are adjustable parameters, currently both default to 1.

For example: If the trading volume(BNB) for this month is 27,000BNB, then the release of $SSS at the beginning of next month = 78,000 * 1 + 7,800 * (27,000/10,000)-1) * 1 = 85,800 $SSS.

While constantly releasing $SSS tokens to the market, we enforce the “releasing-staking-recycling” system to ensure the stability and long-term value of the $SSS token. This is why we determine the release quantity of $SSS tokens with an algorithm based on the platform’s monthly trading volume. If all of this is difficult to understand, combining it with the table below may give you a clearer explanation of the calculation rule of the PvP reward mechanism.

2. The Monthly PvP Ranking Reward Pool

The monthly PvP Ranking Reward Pool is allocated from two-thirds (66.666666667%) of the monthly $SSS release volume.

The percentage of the monthly PvP ranking reward pool that can be shared according to each player’s rank is listed in the yellow table below.


● SSS release quantity schedule: The release quantity is adjusted annually, with up to 780,000 tokens released per month in the first year. After which the release quantity will be reduced with a decay coefficient of (9% + n%) starting from the second year. According to the mathematical model, the annual release quantity will be up to 5,484,900 in the fifth year, and the annual release quantity shall be maintained at 2,158,900 in the tenth year.

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