Proteus Finance x StarTerra Partnership

3 min readJan 22, 2022


“Such a large, dark, and eerie opening we approached. It looked like a mouth ready to swallow any intruders. I ventured onward going deeper within as my brothers watched from the entrance of the cave. The coordinates for this new discovery were directly sent to us by the counsel. I had faith this was what they sent us to visually see, because our radar detected a strong presence of something new and potentially extraordinary here. My light caught the shimmer of something brilliant in color. As I came closer to this shining gem, I felt a pulsating waves of energy flowing over me getting stronger. Finally I saw in amazement and immediately confirmed to our leaders we found Proteus! Prepare yourselves for the next mission!”

Following a few exciting first weeks back, we’re back on track presenting a new partnership to our cosmonauts in the form of Proteus Finance. Proteus Finance aims to provide a seamless solution to the complicated processes of high-yield investing in the De-Fi space, especifically on the Terra blockchain. The developers have chosen Terra due to its ease in operability, high yield De-Fi protocols such as Anchor, and affordable gas fees creating a perfect platform for Proteus Finance to take advantage of.

Providing options in the form of a simplified centralized platform for new users wanting to eagerly get into the De-Fi space, or a fully decentralized solution utilizing metamask or other wallets for the more experienced cryptocurrency users, Proteus aims to provide a valuable product to everyone. Furthermore, whilst bringing the whole Terra De-Fi into one easy to use app, Proteus will do so in a way that will generate the highest yields seen on any other Terra Protocol through smart AI that will utilize more than one high-yield Protocol at once to maximize profits, giving up to 150%!

With the highest yields on the blockchain, there’s gotta be a catch, right? Well, in fact, not really. Due to Proteus’s insurance scheme, any losses made on the market despite conditions whilst Proteus is in charge of your funds, their policy will cover the loss paid out in their native token. For an extra layer of security of funds, Proteus will also include an optional automatic trading bot in case of worst case scenario and the markets as well as their token is on the decline.

What this bot will do is automatically preserve your capital and buy tokens at the user’s support level. This feature will be optional however nice of them to include it! And the best thing is, Proteus guarantees that investors will absolutely not lose the money they’ve invested. Plus, Proteus also has a few bonus features that will definitely improve quality of service in the long run.

For example, for users with KYC, you’ll be able to get a debit card straight from Proteus for enhanced ease of access to the app as well as funds. You’ll also be able to trade between stablecoins so even if you don’t have the one you wanted, you can change it on their app. Proteus also offers solutions for depositing money straight onto their app with no setting up accounts or wallets anywhere else. Proteus will in essence become your Terra banking app, and with Terra spearheading the charge in De-Fi quality, it may well be very useful!

Featuring loans on collaterals of cryptocurrencies, selling or withdrawing with no snags and full ease as well as the additional touch of transferring Proteus’s native token on their platform between accounts with no gas fees whatsoever. All in all, Proteus are offering an all in one De-Fi solution in response to the complicated processes that currently surround high-yield investing in the De-Fi space.

Creating sort of a decentralized banking app, but way safer and way more profitable! To grasp the full picture of what Proteus Finance are offering onto the scene, take a look at their related links links:









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