StarTerra IDO Tiers Explained

6 min readSep 15, 2021


Prepare yourselves for battle, the fight for allocations is near!

As our first IDO approaches, we would like to explain how our tiers will be structured to help guide players in choosing the right Tier for them!

We’ve structured our tiers in a way that will simultaneously allow people to stake their tokens and casually participate through automation -or- allow people to use game theory to gain a competitive advantage!

Through our gamification you, the investor, can strategize your way into larger allocations! This isn’t a game in the sense that you’re pressing buttons or controlling a character, but rather strategy-based investment whereby making the right move you can significantly improve your allocation size. As you read further, you’ll begin to understand the different plays one can make and how choosing one tier over another might make more sense depending on your strategy!

StarTerra’s 5 tiers:

StarTerra Recruit Tier

Total Allocation Percentage: 20%

Type: Lottery

Minimum Entry: 250 $STT


This tier is 100% lottery-based, where you’re trying your hand at luck! The selection process is randomized, however by staking more than the minimum 250$STT you gain more StarTerra Energy Points which in turn gets you more tickets in the Lottery. You may stake in our single asset staking, or earn a 3x multiplier on your $STT when staking LP tokens. (When staking LP tokens keep in mind that you must meet the minimum required 83.33 tokens because as the price fluctuates so does the amount of $STT tokens you have in LP. If you don’t meet the minimum you fall out of the tier!)

Squads and the 3 Faction Based Tiers:


Before touching on the factions we will outline Squadrons, our exciting feature that will allow anyone holding a minimum of 250 $STT tokens to participate in our Factioned Tiers.

This feature is single asset staking only and single asset token stakers throughout our tiers have a multiplier on our Multi-Planetary Farming Rewards from participating projects.

Squads do have a limit on the number of participants in a squad and they are not eligible for WhaleCraft. Each individual player will only be able to contribute a maximum of 2750 $STT. The amount of StarTerra Energy each Squad will accumulate will also be formulated in an effort to keep our tiers fair, therefore Squads will require more $STT tokens staked to equal the same amount of StarTerra Energy that an individual staker would need.!

Initially, In V1 of our platform, you will be assigned to a squad, whereas in V2 you will be able to create your own Squad and recruit people into it.

Faction-Based Tiers: Lunatics, Interstellers, Degens

Total allocation percentage: Each faction receives 15% + can win up to an additional 15% of our Gamified pool.

Type: Lottery + Guaranteed

Minimum Entry: 3000 $STT


50% of each Faction’s total allocation is guaranteed, to be split evenly amongst all members of a faction…everybody wins. The remaining 50% is Lottery Based where the number of tickets you have will be dependent on your position amongst the leaderboard, which is based on the StarTerra Energy Points you have. The more $STT tokens you stake, and the longer you stake them = more StarTerra Energy points(the same rule applies to squads). The winning lottery allocations will be scarcer and therefore more valuable than the guaranteed portion.

Though each faction has 15% of a total allocation, they can win up to an additional 15% of the Gamified Pool. This is where strategy really comes into play as the determining factor for winning the additional allocation is not only the amount of StarTerra Energy each Faction has through $STT tokens staked and the time they are staked, but factoring in the amount of Social Power each Fraction has earned!

StarTerra Social Power is dependent on Social parameters set by each IDO and will vary from project to project. These parameters are where you, the individual player, can contribute to your Faction’s success regardless of the size of your investment capital!

Each faction will have a dedicated group with elected Faction Leaders where you can strategize with your team to capture this additional 15% Gamified Pool! You’re not required to follow the faction leaders’ strategies and can go rogue, but by using the power of a mastermind and teamwork you’ll significantly raise your chances. Additionally, you’re not required to participate in helping your faction obtain additional StarTerra Energy Points through the Social Power, however, the amount of $STT tokens you have staked and the time they are staked will factor into it.

The Social Parameters of StarTerra Power are ways to create unique exposure for the projects you’re investing in, hence participation benefits you, the investor, as you’re helping with the project’s promotion. The more awareness you help bring to the project, the better the outlook towards the short and long-term awareness of it, so it’s in your benefit to participate!

This entire process is where you as a player can strategize as there are leaderboards within the factions and amongst the factions. Players will be competing to earn their spot atop the leaderboards in a faction, where the top performers will receive payouts in UST, as part of our Play2Earn process. Some projects will also be rewarding these top contributors with classified rewards!

The top wallets throughout StarTerra’s Factions have a chance to move beyond them and into our WhaleCraft tier!


Total allocation percentage: 20%

Type: Guaranteed

Minimum entry: Dependent on raise size, minimum 100 wallets.


WhaleCraft is where the top Stakers of a given IDO surpass their factions and move onboard our premier tier, WhaleCraft! In this Tier, everyone’s allocation is guaranteed, and everyone will be receiving payouts in UST as part of our Play2Earn model! There will also be classified rewards from various projects that will be distributed to some or all of the members of WhaleCraft. Be aware that your spot in WhaleCraft is not guaranteed!

There is a WhaleCraft leaderboard for each IDO and if someone overtakes your position and you fall out of the top wallets, you will be reverted back to the original Faction you chose at the start of the IDO. This competition between the top wallets to obtain larger allocations, as well as rewards, is a way to ensure our biggest supporters upgrade their positions, rather than reaching a fixed amount of tokens and not feeling pressure from hungry investors.

IDO Completion

At the end of each IDO, all the leaderboards amongst the tiers reset and everyone has a chance to migrate to a different faction if they so choose. We will have an auto funding feature that will allow individuals to choose their faction, fill their pre-funded deposit account with UST where they will earn a 10% yield, and automatically go into every allocation. This is great for people without any interest in Gamification who just want to participate in an IDO, or for people who may not be available to make the changes for a period of time.

Using the results from each IDO, StarTerra’s dedicated scriptwriters and graphic artists will craft a universe history that you will be a part of! As you participate more and more in our IDOs, you will feel you were a part of something special and that you contributed to the ever expansion of StarTerra! We envision a whole Universe that will come from this process, and can’t wait to share with you some of the things we have in development!

Which Tier will you choose?

To Luna and Beyond,





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