Terra Land X StarTerra IDO Instructions

8 min readOct 27, 2021

We’re presenting our Players and $STT token holders with a tutorial on registering for the $TLAND IDO. The registration process is pretty self-explanatory however we will give you a step-by-step guide so that you may familiarize yourself with the flow before you register.


TerraLand is within reach and we are arriving to the gem's location very soon!

To continue with our history and record-keeping accurate with every participant accounted for, we need the StarTerra Counsel’s instructions below carefully followed. Interstellars won the last mission, so rally your comrades and let’s see who will be the new victors!

How To Register

Step 1. Connect your Wallet

Go to app.StarTerra.io and connect your wallet at the top right corner of the page. Proceed with the prompts required to Connect your wallet.

Step 2. Selecting the Terra Land IDO

Scroll down on the home page till you reach the section “Live and Upcoming Sales”

On your right, you will find a button titled “Research.” Click that button where you will be taking into Terra Land research page.

Step 3. Terra Land Research Page

Once you’re on the Terra Land research page, you will have a detailed outline of Terra Land and $TLAND token, where you’ll find most of the information you need to make a decision on participation.

Once you’ve read through all of the information, there is a button on the page titled “Participate.” Click this button after which you will be taken to the Terra Land registration page.

Step 4. Terra Land Registration Page

On the Terra Land Registration page, you will find important information regarding the amount of StarTerra Energy(STE) you have staked for that given wallet along with the options to acquire more $STT to stake and choose your Tier. STE = $STT + ($STT-UST LP x 1.25)

Once you feel you’ve obtained enough STE to participate in this IDO, you will be able to choose a Tier based on your amount, or Select a “Best Auto-Match” option which will choose the right tier for you based on your STE.

In this step, you will have the option to choose between Squadron, Recruit Tier and Faction Tiers. Please note that WhaleCraft tier is an automated Tier and can only be entered by being in the top 100 wallets of the 3 combined Gamified Faction Tiers.

Step 5. Choosing your Tier

By choosing one of the 3 tiers, or Automatch, you will be taken to separate pages for registering for the $TLand IDO. When choosing Squadrons or Faction Tiers you will need to select one of the 3 factions before moving forward.

For Squadrons, you will first choose your Faction, after which you must join one of the 10 Squads, which are limited to 15 members. These are First Come First Serve, however, if you are staking under 1000 STE, we recommend you choose the Recruit Tier, even though this tier is open to stakers above 500 STE.

Once you’ve joined a Squad you will be taken to the IDO checklist where you must fulfill 4 prerequisites for participating in the IDO.

If you choose to go into the Recruit Tier, you will be taken directly to the IDO Checklist page where you will be shown a series of prerequisites for participating in the Terra Land IDO. There is a 250 STE minimum to stake in the Recruit Tier. Please keep in mind that this is a minimum and if by staking more you increase your chance of winning the lottery!

If you have more than 3000 STE in your wallet, you will only have the option to enter the Faction Tier. Once you’ve selected the Faction Tier, you will be taken to the Factions page where you will select one of either Lunatics, Degens, or Interstellars. After making your selections, you will be taken to the IDO Checklist page where you must fulfill 5 prerequisites for participating in the IDO.

Lastly, if you choose the “Best Auto-Match,” you will be taken to your best match based upon your STE, where you must go through one of the three processes outlined in this step.

Step 6. IDO Checklist

Once you’ve selected your tier based on Step 5, you will be taken to the IDO Checklist page where you will have 4 tasks you must fulfill before participating.

  1. Choose your Tier
  2. Prefund
  3. Terms of Use
  4. Know Your Customer
  5. Participate

(Extra step: Additional Prefund)

Since you’ve already chosen your Tier by this point, you already completed your first task. These steps do not need to be completed in a specific order, however, for the sake of flow, we will take you through them as such.

Task 2: Prefunding

In order to participate in the Terra Land IDO, you must prefund your deposit, which have different minimums based on your Tier Selection. If you’ve selected Squads or Recruit Tier you must prefund your deposit with 250 $UST minimum. This is a minimum so please keep in mind that your final allocation may be much higher, but is not guaranteed to be 250 $UST. If you’ve selected one of the 3 Faction Tiers, your minimum required deposit will be 1000 $UST, which once again is just a minimum and you may receive a larger allocation, but are not guaranteed to win the amount. Once you’ve clicked the ‘Prefund’ button, you will be taken to the page where you may prefund the minimum required amount or more, the maximum being 10,000 $UST. You will only be able to prefund your account with the $UST available in your wallet.

Once you’ve prefunded your account, your funds will be locked for the duration of the IDO, after which any unused funds will be available to claim.

ATTENTION: At the end of the IDO process, you will only receive your allocation based on the Prefunded amount. If you under-fund your account you will forfeit the remainder of your allocation (if applicable) and the remaining unfunded tokens will be distributed amongst other players participating in the Terra Land IDO. Regardless of the prefunded amount, you are only entitled to purchase the number of tokens a winning allocation is worth. Just because the maximum allowed prefunded deposit is 10,000 $UST doesn’t mean you’ll get an allocation of 10,000 $UST.

If you underfund your account, you can still add additional Prefund deposits by choosing the ‘Additional Prefund’ option before the end of the IDO. Once the IDO ends, all allocations are final and you will not be able to prefund additional $UST for your allocation. Once you’ve prefunded your account, you’re ready for tasks 3 and 4.

Task 3: Terms and Conditions

Task 3 requires you to accept our Terms and Conditions before participating in the IDO. Please read through them in their entirety before moving forward.

Task 4: “Know Your Customer”

This task requires you to verify your identity through a 3rd party service provider Synaps. StarTerra does not store any of your supporting documents on our website or servers. This step only needs to be completed once per user and will be used for Future IDO’s if required.

Step 7. Participate

Once you’ve completed all the required tasks you will click the button “Participate” where you’ll be taken to a verification page congratulating you on joining the Terra Land IDO. Once you’ve clicked the participate button, all 5 tasks should show a green checkmark that confirms your participation in the Terra Land IDO!

Step 8: Check back just before the end of the IDO

Check back before the end of the IDO to see where you rank on the leaderboards as well as see the suggested Prefunded Deposit based on your position, and Deposit more $UST to your account before the end of the IDO.

After the end of the registration of the IDO, any unused prefunded $UST deposits will become unlocked and claimable upon the distribution of the token into the vesting contracts.

Listing of the $TLAND token will happen on TerraSwap and the ability to claim the token from our vesting site and contracts will happen shortly after! We will announce the time of the $TLAND listing date after the completion of the IDO.

Extra Bonus Social Power

For the purpose of this IDO, we will be measuring Social Power as part of the Gamification Process for players throughout all tiers. Though we will be expanding this process in later iterations of our Launchpad, for the purpose of the Terra Land IDO we will measure Social Power using SweepWidget, where you will have to log in using an email/social media profile, select your faction, provide your TerraWallet address and perform a series of tasks that will enable you to win 50 $STT and 50 $TLAND. For this contest, 100 players will be able to win this exclusive prize, and the more points you acquire the higher chance you have of winning this lottery! We will airdrop the tokens directly to winners' wallets post listing of $TLAND.

Rules for this contest are simple…

-You must be an active participant in the Terra Land IDO, meaning you must have a minimum of 250 STE staked and go through the above-mentioned participation process.

-Register for the contest here: https://sweepwidget.com/view/37627-tbhm06ei

-Complete the tasks before the end of the IDO registration on October 31, 18:00 UTC.

If you register with the wrong Terra Station Wallet or info for the SweepWidget Terra Land Campaign, you will be disqualified and we will not change post registration

That’s it. Good Luck

Now that you understand the entire IDO registration process and our bonus Social Power, Which Fraction will you choose?

To the Territories of Terra Land and Beyond,





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