While Apple and Other Tech Giants Rush To Invest In VR, Staramba Continues To Partner With Celebrities and Sports Teams

Virtual reality is easily the most widely talked about up-and-coming technology today. It is no surprise that giants like Apple, Google, Facebook and Samsung are rushing to grab a piece of the pie.

4 min readMay 7, 2018
Setting up one of Staramba’s high-tech scanners

Last month, Fortune published a report on how an Apple headset capable of running augmented reality and VR is scheduled for release in 2020. According to the report, “Apple’s long-rumored augmented reality headset will have virtual reality capabilities built in, too. It’s codenamed T288, and it’s currently scheduled to be released in 2020. While Augmented Reality, or AR, maps digital objects onto the real world, Virtual Reality, or VR, immerses users entirely in a digitally-generated environment.”

This recent move by Apple is thus far the greatest indication of a strong interest in VR. According to a report by CNET, “plans so far call for an 8K display for each eye — higher resolution than today’s best TVs — that would be untethered from a computer or smartphone,” according to “a person familiar with Apple’s plans.”

Usain Bolt is being scanned by Staramba

VR is not new to Apple. At the 2017 Worldwide Developers Conference in California, Apple announced it was working with Valve to bring VR to its desktop computers. However, this headset will be Apple’s largest investment in VR to date.

Apple’s new campus

“Apple’s headset would connect to a dedicated box using a high-speed, short-range wireless technology, according to a person familiar with the company’s plans. The box, which would be powered by a custom Apple processor more powerful than anything currently available, would act as the brain for the AR/VR headset. In its current state, the box resembles a PC tower, but it won’t be an actual Mac computer.And unlike with the HTC Vive, users wouldn’t have to install special base stations in a room to detect their location. Everything would be built into Apple’s headset and box, the person said.”

The VR and AR industries are expected to explode over the next few years as other companies like Magic Leap continue to make significant investments into the technologies. Facebook has been very vocal about the fact that it believes that AR and VR headsets are the future of our communication means and computing.

According to a report from CCS Insight, consumers “are expected to buy 22 million VR and AR headsets and glasses this year” and in 2022, “the number should soar fivefold to 120 million units…the market could be worth nearly $10 billion at that point.”

Meanwhile, Staramba, the Germany-based producer of products and services for the VR market, is already in an incredible position to benefit from the increasing interest by technology giants in VR.

One of Staramba’s high-tech scanner

Staramba is the market leader for 3D body scanning and 3D avatars, holding the world’s largest avatar database of sports stars, entertainers and other celebrities. The company has been continuously signing celebrities on;they signed on Paris Hilton and just over a month ago, David Beckham and Usain Bolt had their 3D scan.

The extensive 3D avatar database includes more than 7,000 photorealistic 3D characters of international celebrities and private models, including the likes of celebrities like Paris Hilton, Elvis Presley, superstar sports players from teams like:

FC Bayern, Chelsea London, Arsenal, FC Barcelona, as well as players from the NFLPA.

NFLPA Player getting scanned 2016

Their database also includes WWE wrestlers, musicians that are signed with Universal Music, as well as well-known characters from Marvel Comics.

Staramba will also be the first to bring to market an outstanding VR experience with Staramba.spaces this summer. Staramba’s Staramba.spaces allows for an unbelievable VR experience; a virtual place where you can meet and interact with a range of celebrities. You can experience a virtual concert of your favorite band, take a private training lesson with your personal sports idol or become an actor inside a virtual movie scene with a real Hollywood star. Staramba.spaces is poised to become the ultimate proprietary social platform for unique celebrity experiences and true social interaction.

To learn more about Staramba, please visit the official website at staramba.com.




STARAMBA is the world leader when it comes to super-detailed 3D scans and avatar production of super-stars and YOU. Revolution of Social VR.