Startup Berlin Group 2019 Survey
4 min readFeb 20, 2019


Those are the results of the short survey we did to see how to improve the group.

It has good insights of what we can improve in 2019. Seems like a meetup would be a top priority! Check all questions/answers bellow and please comment if you have any thoughts. If you haven’t taken the survey and would like to, it is still open on the following link:

Results ✅ 🏁

1. How useful is the Slack Group for you?

Grade from 0 to 10 where 0 is the lowest score and 10 is the maximum.

  • 7–33%
  • 8–28%
  • 2–11%
  • 9–11%
  • 10–11%
  • 4–6%

2. If we have to focus on one thing in the coming year what should it be?

  • Other * — 44%
  • Make meetups — 39%
  • Attract service good providers with good deals for the members — 11%
  • More founder focused initiatives — 11%
  • Use Social media better to promote members activities — 11%
  • Find a workspace for the members — 11%
  • Bring back the Newsletter format — 0%
  • Improve the Bulletin — 0%

*Other: Those accumulate skipped answers with given other type of input:

  • Less full-on hustle, more community building.
  • a way for founders to advertise their services/businesses to others and get discounts on these services or businesses
  • I’d say finding a way to make the Slack group more active and buzzing. The Slack group of Factory is one of the main value-add of being a member, but you guys could easily bring the same value to the community for free, if more people were aware of it, and engaged on it.

3. What have been challenging in the past year for you? Chose multiple:

  • Finding a job — 45.5%
  • Not speaking the language — 45.5%
  • Settle down in Berlin — 45%
  • Develop more professional skills — 36.6%
  • Find a Flat — 27.3%
  • Find space/office to work — 27.3
  • Form a company/Taxes/Accounting — 18.2%
  • Talk to investors — 18.2%
  • The party scene is too good to focus on work — 18.2%
  • Other: Hiring

4. Did the Slack Group help you with any of the challenges above?

  • Yes — 61.1%
  • No — 38.9%

5. If it was up to you, what would you change to make the Slack Group more useful/relevant?

Not everyone answered this questions, bellow are the answers from the people who did.

  • Add gamification features in order to increase engagement.
  • No idea
  • Create more targeted groups and maybe one page where updates from all groups are posted so one can “discover” there new groups to join and follow
  • It’s okay like this
  • Less business people, more techies
  • Be more strict with spammers
  • More events for founders
  • Have an advice area where founders can ask for advice of other founders
  • Monthly meetups? With specific companies or topics
  • Tech isn’t discussed, there’s a lot of pushing of products in different places, would be nice to have a single place to put it all
  • (1) have more proactive moderation/ community management, to animate the group and encourage more people to be active; (2) then it will probably need a bit more structure. Though a lot of that is chicken and egg. Maybe the group doesn’t have enough people who actually log in, to be as active as it could be.
  • I would try to organize monthly meetups with the members

6. How to better fight spammers/people who don’t follow the rules?

Not everyone answered this questions, bellow are the answers from the people who did.

  • The community has to help call them out/ report them
  • Active administration. I guess this is a manual work
  • Give them 3 strikes rule and also set the rules as general channel topic
  • Ban people that break the rules
  • 3 warnings and then they are out
  • Delete their message, give a warning on the first instance, after a warning or two exclude them from the group. Needs to be a defined and communicated standard in place for dealing with the spammers though.
  • Better / more consistent moderation of the group
  • Ban them
  • Having clear rules and then kindly but firmly enforcing them. If they are spammers, just ban them. If it’s just a first error in understanding how the community operates, 1on1 chat discussion is a great way to go
  • Bot?
  • Ban
  • Report them to a list or add moderator
  • I haven’t had this problem
  • I think Dimitar is already doing a good job at re-posting in the correct Slack channels. Unfortunately a lot of this goes with personal moderation by the admins, including writing DMs to the spammers explaining that if they continue to do so they will be banned.
  • 2 warnings and then freeze for a small amount of time

7. And finally: Should we close down the Slack Group?

  • Yes — 0%
  • No — 100%

A big thank you to everyone who took the time to give your input so we can focus and organize ourselves better to make Startup Berlin Slack Chat better for everyone. 🐻 🙌 SBSG Survey 2019 Results ✅ 🏁



Free chat group, cross-connecting people in the Berlin startup ecosystem.