6 Hangover Myths Busted

Status of Health
3 min readNov 23, 2016


Okay, so you went a little over the board last night with your drinks and party. And now your head is banging like crazy. We all love hanging out with our friends and family, and of course, no party is complete without a drink or two.

However, the problem arises when one drink turns into two, three and four and the time comes when you even run out of the numbers. But hangovers can be prevented if you know some hangover facts, myths and some best foods to cure a hangover. I know a lot of people who still believe that drinking alcohol in a hangover would help them get rid of it.

Here are some of the hangover myths you should know:

  • Drinking coffee or caffeine

Coffee is usually the one first option we all approach but it has nothing to do with your hangover. Both caffeine and coffee are diuretics, which makes you more dehydrated and can even worsen your hangover. Instead of reaching out to that glass of coffee, you should better drink a glass of water or sports drink. This will help you re-hydrate your body and replace lost electrolytes.

Drink diet cocktails

Drinking with fewer calories isn’t the best way to prevent a bad hangover. In fact, according to a survey, people often end up drinking more when they order diet cocktails. The reason is simple — the fewer calories you consume through a drink, the more quickly its empties from your stomach. And obviously, you crave more. Well, instead of having diet cocktails, try having a carbohydrate rich snack before drinking. Trust me, there are many best foods to try to cure a hangover and a carbohydrate rich meal is one of them.

Drink Liquor before beer

Have you ever been advised or tried to drink liquor before beer to avoid a bad hangover? Well, if you have, I feel sorry for you because it is not going to help. There is no particular evidence that proves that drinking liquor before beer can prevent hangovers.

Take a shower

If you like taking a shower early in the morning after a hangover, you can go ahead take one. But trust me, it won’t help either. Taking a shower is only a misconception. Also, if you take a cold shower, it may be a bad idea because it will reduce your body’s temperature drastically, which alcohol as already done.

Take acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen

Over-the-counter medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen can help with a headache but won’t cure your hangover at all. In fact, consuming acetaminophen when you are already suffering from a hangover can actually be very dangerous. Normally when an individual consumes acetaminophen, the liver easily metabolizes it and converts it into harmless compounds. However, when you take it during a hangover, it shunts the medicine (because your liver has been busy) and converts it into toxic compounds that can result in liver inflammation.

Drink more alcohol

I have kept this point at the end because I know almost everybody knows about it. But I know a majority of people still do it. Trust me drinking more alcohol will only worsen your condition. The so-called hair of the dog cliché will only prolong your hangover. So it’s better to avoid alcohol when you have a banging head in the morning.

