StaycoolNFT: The journey ahead!

4 min readApr 28, 2022


Hey Staycool family! This is Amin the founder of Staycool.

We want to thank you all for an extremely smooth and successful mint! Your support is greatly appreciated. To think 7 years ago when I founded Staycool that I’d be tapping into a universe/community like this is a dream in itself!

We put a ton of work and detail into Staycool Worlds over the last 6 months and we’re super excited for you guys to view all of our creations. The artwork is truly special and it represents the Staycool brand and aesthetic in a beautiful way.

We’d like to take the time to shed some light on some of the initial holders perks we highlighted on our website for you guys to get a better understanding of our plans ahead.

Daily Staycool Product Giveaways

We’ll be giving away free Staycool products to holders over the first 30 days post-mint! Our goal is to have the community rep and feel the brand as much as possible. We’re up to day 3 tomorrow and have already given away an unreleased electric scooter + hoodie :)

We put our heart and soul into everything we create and want y’all to engulf yourselves into the overall lifestyle we‘ve built. After the 30 days are up, we will continue to give away product periodically to continue to reward holders in the community!

Specific traits in your world will unlock discounts/promos towards product

We are partnering with the token gated platform Getpercs to provide holders with special incentives to those with specific traits in their Worlds.

This means that the more rare certain assets in your world are, the bigger promo you will receive.

An example of that would look like the following: (#’s are made up)

Holder A owns a World with a B-ball Court in it: B-ball Court is shown 150 times in the collection (hypothetically)

Holder B owns a World with a Tennis Court in it: Tennis Court is shown 10 times within the collection (hypothetically)

Holder B may receive a 65% discount of the Staycool website during a specific time period just by owning that World with a Tennis court in it due to the rarity of that trait. Holder A may only receive 25% off… But overall, both holders get rewarded!

We feel that the uniqueness of having specific traits in your art offering you value IRL is really exciting and look forward to explaining this in greater detail as time proceeds. Be on the look out!

Exclusive access to Staycool Worlds apparel and accessories:

Our goal is to provide y’all with the best product or “merch” from any NFT project within the space! As an apparel born brand, we have a lot of experience in the field and want to show our community how special our creations can be.

We have some really fun holder exclusive drops in the works that we can’t wait to show you. Stay peeled for previews along the way. Merch collaborations are in discussion as well!

We’ve even partnered with one of the highest rated NYC based framing companies to eventually offer Framed Worlds through our website! Stay tuned..

Digital Apparel/Wearables

We will also strive to make our mark within the digital apparel universe. Digital wearables will be our first step towards that. As one of the only lifestyle/apparel brands delving into the NFT space, we feel there is a gap in the market and want to be at the forefront of the digital fashion universe. More to come..

Staycool Video Games

We’re going to be launching a mobile/desktop video game where holders will be able to compete to reach the top of the leaderboard to win special prizes.

The game will be accessible to all. However, only holders will be eligible to win prizes! Prizes can vary but just know we have cool things planned for y’all!

As a company, we’re super pumped to see the Staycool brand aesthetic live within a game and can’t wait for everyone to play it. If everyone reacts well to the first game, we will surely explore the opportunity to make another and expand even further into this category! Stand by :)


We will be actively looking for ways to intertwine the Staycool brand within the digital reality space and showcase our colorful vibrant aesthetic across all of Web3. We do not have anything confirmed as of yet regarding land purchasing/development, P2E, etc. but are very intrigued about the potential and waiting for the right moment to delve in head first! Our eyes are open.

IRL Events

Our goal is to bring together the community IRL to further strengthen our bond and meet all of you in person. Our first plan is an event in NYC this summer so please be on the look out for that!

Early Access to future StaycoolNFT projects

Owning a Staycool WORLD will be your key to unlock access to our next StaycoolNFT project.

We do not have an official project confirmed as of yet but are already in the works of conceptualizing our next steps and seeing what else we can bring to the table. My goal as a founder is always to think 10 steps ahead and figure out additional ways to showcase the brand identity in cool ways.

As a brand with a proven track record in business, we will continue to provide our community with value, transparency, care, and love!

This is just the beginning. We are not just a clothing brand. This is a company pioneering it’s way to global success across many different fields of commerce. Stay tuned, much love!

Now we continue to build..

