The Emerging Workforce

Data on what millennials care about

4 min readMar 6, 2016

SteadfastBeta, in partnership with MaRS and Tack, spoke with over 100 educated young professionals and tech workers through the SteadfastBeta community.

We surveyed our community to find out what our generation is looking for in a job and a workplace — here’s what we learned.

Get ready for some serious data.

Key Findings:

  • We’re finding work through our social networks
  • We care a lot about things like social impact, culture fit, and frequent feedback about performance
  • Women care more about their work having a positive social impact compare to men
  • People who want to have a high impact for their company tend to care a lot about 4 specific factors — much more than those who don’t.

1. Our sample is made up of mostly educated 20–30 year olds, in tech or professional fields.

2. Overwhelmingly, we tend to find work through our personal networks.

3. Work is found in fields related to what we studied in school.

4. Tech is an asset to our work, not a threat.

5. Most people think coding isn’t necessary for success at work, but some think its critical.

6. We think networking is critical to finding great work

7. Social impact is important, but not to all of us.

8. We’re looking to work at companies where we can have a big impact.

9. Feedback matters a lot.

10. Not everyone is thrilled with their current work.

11. Culture fit is really important.

12. Organizational hierarchies don’t matter to us.

13. We care less about making the most money

14. Great tech at work is something we look for

15. Long-term career potential matters too.

16. But when you compare all the work-related factors, a few stand out.

17. Here are the 4 key factors high impact workers care about vs. low impact workers.

Thanks for reading!

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Click here to download the full PDF of our Emerging Workforce Study. If you have any questions, please email us at

