The age of technopreneurs (and influencers)

Stefano Mongardi
4 min readJul 17, 2015

The term “technopreneur” or “techpreneur” means an entrepreneur involved in the technology industry. Easy and simple but the world behind is complex and deep.

Once upon a time

With the rising of internet companies and the success of social networks as Facebook or LinkedIn, the world of business started changing. Fast.

Once upon a time (and I mean before 2004) the entrepreneur was usually an experienced and proactive executive that, after a pretty long experience in his industry, decided to quit his job to start his own company.

When social networks and internet were something shallow and considered useless, the most valuable resources for a newbie entrepreneur were contacts. With contacts I mean personal connections, acquired during a substantial period of time, which allow to be confident enough to start a business.

The only way possible for an entrepreneur to develop this network was exclusively through personal interactions, during exhibitions, events or business meetings. The first and fundamental resource to nurture these connections were the telephone and later on the email. You just had a few ways to reach out a prospect or a person you’ve never met before: a cold call or a direct mail.

Things were much more difficult.

The game changes

When Facebook became popular, people started twitting, sending LinkedIn invitations and smartphones started popping out like mushrooms, things began to change. The distance became shorter and communication channels widened.

Now the only distance that separates you from a CEO or an investor is a tweet, a click or a friend request. If you want to meet a client you don’t need to take an airplane, drive a car or book an office: You can have a video conference and you are ready to go. You don’t need to spend thousand dollars for an office, you can go for a coworking space or start from home. Or, you can open your YouTube channel to communicate with the world.

All these innovations increased business opportunities and cut costs like never before. Now if you want to open a business you just need a computer (or a smartphone), a website or an app. Physical barriers have been crashed and you don’t even need such a long experience to start from scratch.

Social networks are giving us a powerful tool: a megaphone to reach who we want and introduce ourselves to the world.

These new ways to interact have also opened new business opportunities and unexpected career paths.

The game changers

There are so many success stories of techpreneurs today. It doesn’t have to be necessary related to a startup or a company but also freelancers and “lone wolves”.

Ecommerce, successful apps or innovative ideas are examples of today’s successful online businesses. But what happens when is a single person to change the game and become an “influencer”?

-> SEE ALSO: Mobile Games: How Candy Crush is making over $900,000 a day

To better explain what I’m talking about I would like to show some examples of technopreneurs who became popular and wealthy thanks to social networks, blogs or their online business:

  1. Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (aka PewDiePie): Felix, is a famous Youtuber from Sweden (born in 1989) who started commenting and play video games. His YouTube channel has reached over 34 million subscribers and in 2013, he made over $4 million from ad revenue.

2. Neil Patel: Neil is an entrepreneur and digital marketer. Based in the United States he’s also an angel investor, and analytics expert. He is best known for his work in digital marketing, and as the cofounder of the analytics companies KISSmetrics, Crazy Egg and HelloBar. Forbes says he is one of the top 10 online marketers. His making millions thanks to his online businesses.

3. Chiara Ferragni: The famous italian fashion blogger started sharing pictures and outfits on her popular blog “The Blond Salad”. Now she’s an entrepreneur who runs, with her crew, a multi million dollar business of about $8 million a year.

These are just a few examples of young technopreneurs and influencers (all under 30) who are changing the business in the way we were used to see it.

But what all these guys have in common?

  • They started with an online business.
  • They have grown up a community thought social media and have set themselves as “influencers”.
  • They have brought innovation and developed a niche.
  • They have exploited the power of new media and technology.

What do you think? What are, according to your experience, the pros and cons of this digital revolution?




Stefano Mongardi

Make an idea of your passion and let your passion spreading your ideas. See what I am doing on