Thoughts #4 - On making the most out of your day

(Seeing a magpie on a fence on the way to work and seeing it again in the same spot on the way back)

Kojo Apeagyei
3 min readApr 10, 2017


What have you done today that is completely unique and worthwhile of your time?

I had this thought this evening on the way back from work when I saw a magpie standing on a fence. Ordinarily this would be an insignificant event, however, I saw this particular magpie (I think) this morning, in the same spot. I’ve never seen a bird stand here before because it’s parallel to a busy road and people often walk close to the fence, today was different.

My first thought essentially went like “Huh… That magpie really spent all day doing nish with it’s life, wasting time”. I chuckled, then as the unconscious cogs continued to turn in my head this thought evolved further, “Wait. What have YOU done with your day today?” Naturally I started to assess my work day, and rattle of all these pseudo-accomplishments I thought i’d made. “Completed that plan. Sent those notes. Took part in that presentation.” All important in their own right, yes, but hardly important in the grand scheme of my life. All things that whilst probably relevant in terms of bringing me closer to specific goals in the future, on their own — in their individual ittle compartment of my life today? Unimportant. Uninspiring. Shit.

I flicked the memory-television in my head back to my first job after graduation — Coral betting shop, the 2nd worst job of my life. Fuck that place. Whilst working here I knew that I was wasting an unbelievable amount of time. Knew each day was as uninspiring and unfulfilling as the last. Here I knew I had to make a change because simply put I’m not going to live forever. My days are finite and eventually I will die. I’m not spending those days unhappy for anyone let alone a soul crushing machine like a fucking betting shop. Quitting for my own sanity/happiness was the best decision of my life.

My current job however, is different. It’s my first career job. Naturally everything is so new and exciting to me so I’m certainly not wasting time. During Uni I could never see myself working a 9–5, but I’ve been here for almost 6 months with almost nothing to complain about. That being said, I’m now conscious that it won’t always be this way. I won’t always be learning new things. I may not find the stuff I’m doing interesting anymore. And I very well may need to move on.

I need to be prepared for that day. Seeing the magpie chilling in the same spot 9 hours after I originally saw it got me thinking about wasting time.

As often as possible I’ll assess whether I have done something unique and worthwhile with my day(s); life is too fucking short to waste time doing nish. I’m not a Magpie.

To read about my previous thoughts on why today’s pop music is tomorrows classics//it’s more exciting than it sounds I promise -> Badoom pssht

