How to Create Stunning Characters with Midjourney Prompt Builder

Stella Sky
8 min readSep 3, 2022
Image by Stella Sky

Want to create unique portraits of fantasy characters, but don’t know, how to write a good text prompt? Keep reading, and I will show you my secret weapon, which helps me to design AI art that sells!

Stella Sky

in Midjourney / photo-realistic portraits / Remaster / Midjourney Prompt Builder Posted on

03/09/2022 11:33

Midjourney prompt builder is an online tool that allows you to create long, detailed text prompts. It is hosted on the promptomania website and also offers prompt generation for DreamStudio, Stable Diffusion, and generic (other AI image generators like Dall-e 2). I am not an affiliate of this site; I just love to use it!

We will use the Midjourney option because I use only Midjourney, even though I tried all the other AI generators. MJ is still the best choice for my clients and me. It allows me to create fantastic illustrations that sell.

Midjourney Prompt Builder tutorial

1. Step — Write your text prompt



Stella Sky

I create fantasy art with AI art generators like Midjourney. I write about AI art and AI Business. Subscribe: