Steph Laba

Steph Laba

Product design

29 stories

Recent UI designs
A still from the Simpsons with Homer standing in front of a crowd in front of a sign that says “Can’t someone else do it?”
A graphic showing five floating logos and UI controls on top of a violet-themed blueprint grid. The logos include the products mentioned in this study: Airtable, Figma, Miro, Slack, and Zoom. The only visible UI control is symbolized by the search field having a “Search app” placeholder. This graphic aims to provide an abstract visual representation of the SaaS marketplace.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

Design systems

6 stories

Color ramps range from light to dark for a variety of colors.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba


3 stories

A group of men and women are gathered around a computer screen, eating popcorn and watching a video. They are in an office.
An illustration of a computer screen accompanied by a hand holding a red pencil.
Man looking out over the distant mountains
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

Storytelling + design

1 story

A boy stands on the books, with a book as a backpack, looking at the epic cityscape.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

VR, 3D & Immersive design

1 story

A women uses the VisionPro headset to navigate 8 browser windows at once, displayed in a grid in front of her.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

Solo designer

1 story

Person with revolving abstract shapes as a head
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

Product strategy

4 stories

Upgrade the operating system
Illustration of the author sitting in front of their laptop lookin up with question marks around their head
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

UI design

6 stories

Cancel as a link vs. Cancel as a button
Apply 20 Essential rules of Graphics Design to UI Design
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

Case studies

1 story

Steph Laba

Steph Laba


3 stories

A droplet breaks a colorful surface of water and causes a ripple effect outwards.
A person gesturing with his hands sitting as part of a conference table. A macbook is on the table as well as a paper notebook open and a phone. Other laptops and things are on the table, and other people at the table are listening to the person gesturing.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

UX writing

2 stories

Featured image of wireframe sketched on notepad.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

UX articles

4 stories

A laptop screen showing a dashboard with graphs of common web metrics, such as bounce rate.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba


1 story

Steph Laba

Steph Laba

Career growth

1 story

A large pink dot with floating lights inside
Steph Laba

Steph Laba


3 stories

An illustration of three plants with blue pots and green leaves in small, medium, and large size, against a background of a window with a pink background, which also looks like graph paper, charting the growth of the plants.
An illustration of a computer screen accompanied by a hand holding a red pencil.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

Figma tips

1 story

Steph Laba

Steph Laba


2 stories

Person with a confused look using a mouse and keyboard
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

UI components

1 story

A comparison of four phrases with “naughty” links (on the left) and four phrases with “better” links (on the right). It is recommended to avoid using ‘here’ or ‘this’ and use parts of self-explanatory phrases as links.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

Design Ops

2 stories

Penguin standing on an iceberg holding up fish, which represents the penguin’s design. Underneath the surface of the water, criticism, self-doubt, user research, design crits, iterations and shame.
Steph Laba

Steph Laba

SEO & Content Marketing

1 story

Steph Laba

Steph Laba

A Sr. Product Designer and Front-End Developer exploring the bleeding edge of tech. Heavy metal rules. She/Her.