Stephan Jaeckel
2 min readMar 4, 2017


You would have made a great politician in East-Germany’s ruling SED Party, prior to The People getting rid of that dictatorship-party which emphasised on the need of people to be directed by the party because they are too stupid to understand the complexity of life.

In that you sound also not different from Louis XIV:The people need rule from the intellectually superior me.

Unfortunately I got to push you out of your “I have been to university” sanctury and tell you that in democracy you are completely equal to the homeless, the illiterate, the reader of Sun Newspaper and just everybody else who took part in a totally legal referendum on a simple question:

Should Britain first of all be a sovereign nation guided by its own cultural traditions or become an un-distinguishable part of an anonymous mass guided by some intellectually superior bureaucrats in Brussels plus political decision makers with no accountability who are in power without a fair democratic election process?

In a true Adam Smith style decision which is in total coherence with British culture and liberal traditions since the 17th century, Britain’s chose the uncertain, the risk, the danger, the unknown. Britain chose what is the natural environment for people living in an island nation who had to set sails in tiny wooden boats into a rough sea to find, see and conquer the world.

You may have studied in Britain, may be living there and may enjoy life there. But you still fail to be rooted in it. That is natural for first generation immigrants. As that and as a German you may express sorrow for the decision taken by free people. But in no way you should dare to criticise a free, democratic process of a nation you have not made your own by firmly rooting yourself there!



Stephan Jaeckel

Conservative Business Consultant who loves to live during this Zeitenwende. E-Business, CX/CRM, Process Mngt., 2 armrest for each passenger: Let’s talk answers!