7 min readApr 8, 2022


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To start, faith-based healing is exactly what it sounds like. So, what is faith? Well, the backbone of faith is the belief in a higher power and that this higher power. Furthermore, this higher power is in control of all things.

Indeed, all things such as creation of the entire universe. From the stars and planets to all life here on earth. However, human life is God’s greatest achievement by His own words. Therefore, we are so loved and that is truly amazing.


So, healing is fixing something broken or it can include finding a missing piece. At birth, we start with a clean slate in regard to our hearts and minds. Yet over time for numerous reasons, we are hurt. This hurt can be minimal, or it can be so deep it changes us.

I don’t think anyone goes through life without experiencing pain. However, many are so deeply wounded or are hurt over and over, that this type of pain needs to be healed. There are tons of “fixes” all over throughout the world, but the only true healing to be had comes from God and through Jesus.

“Faith healing is the practice of, well, healing through faith.”

-Sarah Hutchinson


Sound familiar? Often for a believer it does ring true. But for many it may seem too simple, or it may even appear outlandish. Consequently, so many continue to search for the next BIG thing, and they might find some relief for a time.

However, inevitably the new wears off and the troubled thoughts reappear. Followed by the same bad feelings and bad habits.


With the belief in God (faith) and building a relationship with Him through Christ is the way toward being whole. By filling ourselves with the word of God, knowing who we are in Christ and allowing the “hole” to be filled we can have true, total and lasting healing.

Still, I am certain many, if not most, have heard the “story” of Jesus, but so many do not understand or do not believe. Because of this billions of people are living their lives broken and in immense pain every single day. I know this because I was one of these people.

3 Things

For me, healing began when I came to the end of myself. After living for so long with deep, all-consuming wounds, I felt like I couldn’t continue without change. Cause of my long-standing beliefs, it was the only step I could take. Giving my total trust and all control to my Father in heaven.

Seriously!!! After 20+ years of trying and failing on my OWN power, it was past time to let go and really Let God. Read the series of this journey here.

With this choice, the Lord led me to the faith-based step program called Celebrate Recovery. A version of this I share with a motto: Look up, look in and share. Besides, both faith and these programs do tell that a part of living is to give away what we have. Whether it be knowledge, goods or other, this is what we are called to do.


Since all the bases have been covered, lets dig in a bit. So, what is faith-based healing? By seeking the Lord with all your heart, we can learn who we are. Also, realizing why we matter, what is the purpose of life, but even more is learning our individual purpose. When we listen, God hears us and answers us.

~ REMEMBER… Sometimes the answer is NO.

Then, guidance can be achieved by turning to Jesus and we can learn to focus on other things than just ourselves. A big benefit to this is that when we are looking outside ourselves, we don’t have time to “worry”, overthink and dwell. Even more, we can actually help one another.

~ Please, don’t get me wrong, self-care is important. Watch for that topic coming up soon.


For me, I had been wanting to start reading the bible. At age 35 I had never read it all the way through. Over time and many prayers, it was given to me by God’s grace, in his timing. Yes, patience is a virtue.

After just a few short weeks the habit was a breeze and the changes it affected in my life were such a blessing. More than that, the depression, anxiety and feelings of being lost started to vanish.

Wants vs. Needs

Next, it was vitally important to distinguish between what I wanted and what I actually needed. Shocker, huh? Maybe not. Upon figuring out some of my needs and listening to God there were some big decisions to make, and it was scary.

With faith and guidance, I ended my 7 1/2-year relationship that was toxic and no longer served my family. As a result, the Lord gave me freedom from the bondage of co-dependency and much more. And that was just the beginning.

Here’s an Example

Wants (I desire to have, would be nice)

  • A mansion
  • New, expensive car
  • Lots of friends, fans etc.

Needs (I must have to survive)

God’s Will (to LIVE and prosper)

  • Faith
  • Trust in God
  • Belief in Jesus
  • Healing


The most recent piece is trust. From the time I was just a little girl, I was distrustful of anything perceived to be out of my power or control. But about 5 months ago God gave me the understanding that at the foundation of control was fear. And the fear came because I did not put my full trust in Him.

However, just acknowledging that wasn’t enough. Rather acceptance was really the key to unlocking the deepest chambers in my heart and then consciously choosing to trust. Believe me, it didn’t happen overnight.


The Purpose of Suffering

Something I have finally learned is the main reason for suffering. I mean no one likes to suffer, but there is a purpose. There is purpose in all things and God uses everything for good.

Another perspective on how, here is a good read by a different author. Enjoy!

“We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” Romans 8:28

Gaining Hope

Recently, it was brought to my attention during a podcast program Ladies who Love Christ, that unless there is suffering, there is not hope. With suffering comes perseverance, perseverance gives way to building character and within this entire process, we have hope.

Thereby without any suffering we have no hope. Not only that, but with suffering we are refined. Even when it is hard to endure, our hope is in Jesus. By being shaped into the image of Christ we receive the gift for everlasting life with God. So amazing…so beautiful.

God’s Plan

Because I am able to place my full trust in the Lord every day over and over, I am healing more and more. Even so, the work isn’t done. But I have joy and peace, which can only be found in Jesus. And as a result, each new day is something I wake up and look forward to.

Finally, at age 37, I know God’s plan for me and his purpose for my life. Thus, I am able to take what I’ve been given, continue to heal, grow and give it away by sharing this amazing gift with others.

~Certainly, as well as my OWN purpose, I pray for this over you too.

Also, I find it so perfect that as a girl I wanted to be a teacher. Also, I wanted to speak out and share my thoughts. Indeed, writing was another gift I was blessed with.

So, creating this site, building an online presence and sharing about faith-based healing I get to do exactly what I always dreamed. And the best part, knowing it is God’s will.


Cheers to healing!! And thanks for being here. Come back for more if you liked this article and please share it with a friend that needs to read it too!

As always, xoxo



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Originally published at on April 8, 2022.




Rediscovered my love of writing Spring of 2020 and during my healing recovery journey, the research and knowledge saved my life!! 💗 •Single SAHM•WAHM•Writer•