Connection, Recovery & Addiction: A “We” Problem

DECEMBER 10, 2021

6 min readJan 12, 2022



Three Pieces of One Whole
First and foremost, let’s start with some definitions. The meanings of the words: connection, recovery & addiction will indeed emphasize the entire purpose of this article. Why, for recovery, is connection so necessary and of utmost importance? See below.

-connection: (noun) a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.

–recovery: (noun) a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength

–addiction:(noun) the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

The Bigger Picture

Ok, moving forward here. Because with a clearer picture we are able to start to understand. Indeed, it is absolutely vital to understand, not only for ourselves but for others as well. The “disease” of addiction is not an “I” problem, it is a “we” problem. Similarly, the same can be said and is true for most issues, concerns and struggles.

Many would disagree and that is completely natural and expected. The topic of addiction is not a fun one. But, it is necessary and that’s why so many experts, doctors and professionals DO write about it and talk about it. Seriously, many people talk about it. From the addict to the family members affected. Obviously, this is a BIG topic and a gigantic issue and sadly, it is not going away any time soon, if ever.

However, the word that stands out the most from above is the word connection. Why you ask? Truly, there are numerous reasons why connection is key to solving the hold that addiction has gripped our people with. Actually, these reasons keep mounting. A few answers to why it’s so necessary are these:

  • Support
  • Motivation
  • Basic Needs

Indeed, according to, “Connection encourages social, physical, mental and emotional contact AND healing.” Another known statistic from the site, titled 8 Substance Use Disorder Group Topics for Addiction Treatment Counselors, “Almost 21 million adults in the US struggle with at least one addiction, and drug overdose deaths have more than tripled since 1990.” Truly, with these staggering statistics the necessity of talking about how people can recover is more important than ever and shows no signs of waning.

Answering the How & Why

Another question that is common is the how? How does connection play a part in the recovery of an individual diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD)and suffering with addiction? Well, many people believe that connection is more than just helpful for recovery but that it actually is the opposite of addiction and is absolutely imperative for recovery. A few factors as to “how” connection plays a role below:

  • Inspire
  • Hope
  • Encourage

Undoubtedly, connection is fulfilling a basic need in us as humans. The benefits are undeniable. As a person in active addiction, the sense of self is distorted. In addition, self-love and self-worth are all but gone. However, though the process of recovery and reestablishing connections, these things are all positively impacted:

  • Lowers anxiety and depression
  • Improves the immune system
  • Helps empathy
  • Rebuilds self-esteem
    Furthermore, recovery and addiction extends to any type of addiction. Equally, from food, drugs, fitness and co-dependency to sex, power or even control. Often times it is co-occurring within an individual. Likewise, within miltiple addictions, many people also struggle with mental health issues too.

Admittedly, this is not new information. But, it is important to remember and lay the foundation of the realities and harshness of these very real problems and issues. Sadly, statistics state that only 10% of people that struggle with substance abuse disorder or addictions will actually get treatment. Then, even more discouraging are the amount of those that will actually stay in recovery.

However, that is not cause to give up. Alternately, it means that more ways are needed to be discovered and used to help and to create real success. According to, experts have “seen that its possible for the brain to heal.” This is what needs to be the focus and connection is truly a huge part of turning the tides. “I’m not telling you it is going to be easy…I am telling you it is going to be worth it.”-anonymous

Now the Why

In addition to how and why it is so vital, when connection occurs is important too. It is helpful at any point of the journey to recovery and wellness, but it is most effective early on. As with most types of healing, early intervention is always beneficial.

Truly, experts agree that early intervention is critical to treating mental illness, addiction and other types of disorders before it can cause tragic results such as serious impairment, unemployment, homelessness, poverty, and suicide [1]. The identification of mental illness and its treatment, as early as possible, represents a high priority.

On that note, for early intervention to even be possible it is absolutely necessary to recognize the signs of a problem. One way to do this is to be aware of common triggers for exposure such as these:

  • Family history of genetic disposition to addiction
  • Mental health disorder
  • Peer pressure
  • Lack of family involvement
  • Early use (experimentation)
    The use of a highly addictive substance

According to the Mayo Clinic, these are some of the main factors to consider and be aware of. Again, seems like common sense but these things are often overlooked or downplayed. In “society”, blame and shame are used as an excuse for the very real problems. So many are quick to stigmatize and label without an iota of understanding or compassion. Which then in turn escalates and damages the entire issue.

It Takes A Village

To wrap up, it is common knowledge that addictions are tearing this world apart and cause too many problems. Additionally, there are some effective solutions for certain individuals that are basically lucky to reach out and get the help needed. But, it is bigger and more is needed. Indeed, connection is one of the major components to true reovery.

It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child, but I say it takes a village to get help and recover from the real wounds people have. Moreover, it is in the best interest of all to help the ones suffering. Unfortunately, it is so ingrained that, “to each is own” and “everyone for themselves”, but it is precisely this thinking that is continuing the cycle of generational damage and the continuation of said suffering.

Lastly, it may sound cliched but it seems that everyone could benefit from coming together and creating real solutions. In addition to addiction and such, there are numerous other concerns and situations that are greatly affecting our world and the people in it. Yes, each person has an individual responsibility to better their situation and life, but that doesn’t reduce the accountability of the rest of the inhabitants of this community or world.

Words from the author:

Yes, this is a topic that hits close to home for many reasons. I am passionate about the state of affairs for the people in this world. Indeed, healing and recovery is necessary and available. Thanks for being here and for reading about the things that are so near and dear to my heart!


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Rediscovered my love of writing Spring of 2020 and during my healing recovery journey, the research and knowledge saved my life!! 💗 •Single SAHM•WAHM•Writer•