Âtrium Profiles Testnet Reward Challenges

Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2024

Testnet launch of Âtrium Profile NFTs

Âtrium DAO is proud to release its second smart contract “Stoa” to Beta testers on Preview testnet. Users can help test the new capabilities of the Profile NFTs smart contract by giving feedback and finding bugs during the Incentivized testnet. This article outlines the details of the Âtrium Profile reward challenges. You can find more detailed information about Âtrium Profiles and the Âtrium DAO token in this article.

Through using the Âtrium platform, users can level up their Profile NFTs by completing reward challenges. The level attained during this Incentivized testnet will carry over to a Profile NFT on mainnet when it launches. The higher your level, the more Âtrium DAO tokens you will earn during this second Incentivized testnet. During testnet, the maximum level is capped at level 10.

How to access Âtrium Profiles

You can access the Profiles section through the “Go to Profiles” button in the top menu of the page.

Once you navigate to the Profiles page, you can access all Profile functions on the page or through the menu in the top right corner. Here you can mint a new Profile, update it or check out your Profile rewards page. You’re only able to level up one profile at a time, and the connections to Discord and X only collect rewards for the Profile they are connected to. Your accounts on Discord and X can only be connected to 1 Profile NFT. You can switch between Profile NFTs through the “change Profile” button in the top menu, visible in the image below.

To connect your Discord and X account, you can use the “Update Profile” tool. There, you can select “manage connections”. You can link your Discord and X account there.

Testnet reward challenges

Leveling up your Profile NFT can be accomplished by earning XP points through the various challenges detailed in this article. There are three ways to earn XP:

As we are still in testnet phase and are actively developing the Profiles, please be aware that changes in XP might occur due to bugfixes, although we will try to avoid them, of course.

Here is the breakdown of the levels with their required XP, and the associated reward.

Âtrium challenges

You can complete these challenges using the features of the Âtrium preview dashboard at alpha.atrium.io. The current status of your Âtrium dashboard is not taken into account, so it’s best to change stake pool and withdraw from the Diffusion Basket and deposit again.

To stake your wallet to a stake pool, you can visit the wallet section of the dashboard. The default staking mechanism of Cardano is to stake to 1 stake pool. The Âtrium platform expands the staking possibilities by enabling the option to stake to a Staking Basket. When you deposit your ADA to a Staking Basket, you can delegate your ADA to multiple stake pools simultaneously, with the option to earn extra tokens in addition to your regular ADA staking rewards.

On the “Staking” page, you can select a stake pool to which you can stake your wallet, and find the Diffusion Staking Basket to deposit some tADA into the Basket smart contract.

To deposit 100k tADA to the Diffusion staking basket, you can make multiple smaller deposits that add up to 100k. This means you don’t need to have 100k staked in the Basket, you can deposit and withdraw 50k twice to reach the goal of having deposited 100k.

Discord challenges

Our Discord server is a central part of our community. The challenges encourage a growing, active, and helpful community on Discord. If you haven’t joined yet, you can do so through this link.

We want to onboard as many new people to Âtrium and Cardano as possible. That’s why we’d like to encourage everyone to invite new people into our community. To invite friends to the Discord server on your behalf, you can find a tutorial here.

Only 5 reactions to posts each day will be considered for rewards. The “helpful message” label will be granted by the Discord moderators and admins. Their judgment counts, and trying to influence them is futile. ;-)

Here are the challenges for the Âtrium Discord:

X challenges

We share a lot of news and insights on X, and try to educate others as well. Following and interacting with our X account will benefit Âtrium by expanding our reach and will enable us to onboard even more users to Cardano.

The challenges for replying and retweeting are only valid for Âtrium tweets that go back one week, so a rolling 7 days into the past. Only one interaction per Âtrium tweet will be considered, so replying multiple times to the same tweet is not taken into account. Only “Top Tweets”, the first tweet in the tweet thread for example, count. So Âtrium posts in a thread or replies don’t count. Also make sure not to “spam” the Âtrium account with likes, retweets and replies going back logner than a week. The X platform will label your activity as suspicious and will be ignored by the Twitter algorithm. This activity will not reach Âtrium, and we can not reward it.

Due to limitations set in place by the X platform, there will be a delay several hours between your interaction and our Âtrium dashboard being updated. You can find the Âtrium X account here.

How to get started:

Step 1: If you haven’t already, follow our guide and set up a testnet wallet.
Step 2: Visit the Cardano Faucet and request some test ADA be sent to your newly created testnet address.
Step 3:
Complete this form, please ensure you include the testnet address you are using, and the mainnet address you wish the Âtrium DAO tokens to be sent to.
NOTE: this is a new form specifically for the second testnet, please submit this form to receive rewards for the 2nd testnet.
Step 4: Visit alpha.atrium.io and complete the Testnet reward challenges outlined above.

Âtrium linktree:

Follow Âtrium Lab on X/Twitter:

Join the Discord community:

