Stephen kanyi
2 min readSep 5, 2016

We Always Have a Choice: Make the Right one Today.

Keep moving forward

Each day we are faced with a choice to give up or continue moving forward. After my graduation, i decided it is time for me to do what I have always loved to do. Learn Software engineering. Few days after starting out I was told about a startup that trains people to be the best software developers in the world. I took my shot and applied regardless of my minimal knowledge at that time on technology.
I was invited to attend the interview. I had to do a written code on a piece of paper. Trust me when I tell you what I wrote was nothing near to what they were looking for. To my surprise, i was invited for the boot-camp, and I was mesmerized on how I made it through the interview. That day I thanked God for the favor He showed me, and I was ready.
One week into the boot-camp and I had learned a lot. All I knew at that moment is that I need the intense learning to grow me as a person. I didn’t make it to the second week of the boot-camp but making it that far has made me believe even more that we can achieve a lot if only we are willing to put the hard work.
Why am I saying this? This is because despite my minimal knowledge in the technology industry I was able to be among the best who went through the one-week training.
I value a moment to learn more that anything else and for me that one week at Andela was a chance to learn. And indeed I learned.
Now I have the option to cry that I didn’t make it to Andela, or I have the option to grow my skills and using the knowledge I gathered from them in that one week. Only two weeks have passed and am already doing a lot that I couldn’t do before with my computer.
I have vowed to myself that there is no way I can dedicate more than ten hours of learning for ten years and not become the best in the field. Learn, Learn and Continue Learning. There is no end to learning.

Note: I have not given up on Andela, but instead I have decided to correct the mistakes the Andela community pointed out, improve myself and then apply again. Am sure that when I apply again, I will get into Andela.

The power to decide on the direction of our lives is entirely with us, and it is upon us to make the right decision. Never give up.

Learn to learn from your failures to improve yourself. “You learn more when you fail than when you succeed”

Stephen kanyi

A Chemist by Training, A Software Developer(DevOps) by Profession and A Penetration Tester as a Hobby.