Mitchell Hyde
3 min readJan 7, 2016


I agree, Teresa Halbach was the true victim in this case, but unfortunately, she is not the only one, which was the 10 year, 10 hour piece on NetFlix. To convict Avery and Dassey, a juror would need to believe in both cases that, WITHOUT THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT that they committed this murder. I also remember this case, as it unfolded daily with riveting drama on our local newscasts, for which I remember flipping channels, to catch all that was shared. Ken Kratz gave one completely jaw-dropping statement, which made me be one of those “CRUCIFY THE BASTARDS” people, because of the graphic nature of the crimes these two had committed, which was so heinous. That is, IF they were true ( and at that time, it was stated by Kratz as a matter of fact, as he sat in front of those microphones. I was not there, nor was I able to consume anymore than the rest of us, which was 5 minutes each day as the top story of the night during they reported Teresa missing, to the Avery connection, the search of his property, etc.

Sadly, I believe the REAL criminals in this case are walking freely. I believe that there were too many different potential holes in the prosecution, but imagine if the jury voted as they should have, and through the potential of tampering, coercion, along with the community backlash fears not on their mind, they would have voted NOT GUILTY……….. WHO was left to investigate? Perhaps the policeman, who called in to have her license plate run days before anyone reported Teresa missing ( why did he want to know??), the ex-boyfriend, who was at her apartment the night before, who also somehow figured out her password to get into her voice mail ( there were missing messages, testified to in court…………what got deleted, and why?)……and WHY would it be the EX-BOYFRIEND who headed the search for Teresa, when she had four siblings, her parents, and her room mate who would be more logical choices? Then there is the room mate who did not report his room mate missing for a week…….. WHY NOT?

This story is compelling to many people for many different reasons. Sadly, it was a complete bubbling of this case that brings it to the surface once again, but not because it is a good story line……….. more because it is a TRAGIC MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE for Teresa, and possibly Steven Avery and Brandon Dassey as well. The sad reality is that neither were smart, neither were good looking, they were both someone the middle class community would look at as social misfits, undesirable neighbors. That does not make them criminals, it makes them potential fall guys, with circumstances made to persuade others to believing they did this crime. They would not be missed at all, and they both looked the part. Looks are deceiving, ask Ted Bundy or Jeffery Dahmer. Neither looked like the criminals they were. Is it possible that because of the ragged look, the uneducated double negative speaking people, living in rural seclusion might not be what they seem to be too?

I am glad that you re-introduced Teresa through your story, she deserved to live her life to the fullest, not have it taken away because of the egregious and heinous mind of another person or persons. She was not supposed to be a pawn on someone else’s chess board. I do hope that THE TRUTH is somehow revealed, no matter what that truth may be……..

