How The Bull Came To Wall Street

Steve Down
2 min readAug 10, 2015


Stockmarket Bull

Not far from the New York Stock Exchange in Manhattan stands the famous bronze bull. Whenever I think of the word “bull” I think of the bull story my stockbroker gave me when explaining why my stock portfolio tanked! The bull has become the American symbol of aggressive financial optimism and prosperity.

The sculptor created the bronze bull following the 1987 stock market crash as a symbol of the “strength and power of the American people.” The bronze sculpture was the artist’s idea, not the city’s. In an act of “guerrilla art”, the artist trucked it to Wall Street in front of the New York Stock Exchange as a Christmas gift to the people of New York.

The police seized the sculpture and placed it in an impound lot. Public outcry led the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation to reinstall it. Today’s Wealth Wake-up Call is The Bull Always Returns!

Having lived through several major recessions, there’s one thing of which I’m certain: Following the bear, the bull always returns. The bear market is the time to buy when everyone else is selling. The bull market is the time to sell when everyone else is buying.

The Bull Always Returns!

Honestly, I get sick and tired of hearing on the radio and through other media, the self-proclaimed economists who spread their doom and gloom. You’ve heard them with their agenda to sell you gold and food storage. If you want to become an economist then study history because economists are always historians. The one thing that all historians agree on is that history repeats itself.

So if you know history, you can predict the future. That’s why I spread the hope and optimism of the bull that our world economy and children most desperately need. Notice that the bull is leaning back on its haunches with its head lowered and is about to charge stronger, faster and with more power than ever before!

Remember, The Bull Always Returns so go out there and create wealth!



Steve Down

Steve Down: Founder of Steve Down Companies including Financially Fit, Even Stevens Sandwiches, and more. Learn of Steve Down here: