You’ve Got To Jump To Be Successful

Steve Harvey
5 min readJan 8, 2016


Photography by Joe T. Newman

I’m going to share something with you. I’m going to tell you something that every successful person has to do…including you. Believe it or not…every successful person has jumped. I’m gonna tell you what I mean by that. Eventually your going to have to jump. You cannot just exist in this life, you have GOT to try to live. If you’re waking up thinking that there’s got to be more to your life than it is now…then believe that there is. Believe in your heart of hearts that there is. But to get to that life you’re going to have to jump. I’ll tell you why I call it jumping. See God…when he created us…He gave every last one of us a gift at birth. He never created a soul without endowing them with a gift. You just got to quick looking at gifts as singing, running, jumping and dancing…it’s more than that. It’s if you know how to network, if you can connect dots, if you draw, if you teach, some of y’all fry chicken better than anyone else….bake pie..some people cut hair…some people do grass.

Photography by Joe T. Newman

I got a partner man… he never wanted to go out with us because we stayed out too late. We’d say, “Come one man…go out with us..” and he’d say, “Naw man, I got to get up early to cut Miss Johnson’s grass.” We kept laughing at this dude. “Cutting grass?” we’d say, “How much they pay you?” Today he has a landscaping company in Cleveland that’s worth 4 million dollars and all he does is cut grass but he was gifted at it.

Photography by Joe T. Newman

I got a partner that owns a detail shop making 800 thousand dollars a year. He details cars and has six mobile trucks running around. Eight hundred thousand dollars a year and all he does is detail cars. That’s his gift. That’s what he loves to do. You’ve got to indentify that gift.

When you see people in life. When you’re standing on the cliff of life and you see people soaring by…when you see people soaring going to exotic places. You hear about them doing wonderful things. Maybe you look up the street and your neighbor just gets a new car every year. Have you ever thought that maybe that person has identified their gift and is living in their gift?

Photography by Joe T. Newman

When you see people in life. When you're standing on the cliff of life and you see people soaring by…when you see people soaring…going to exotic places. You hear about them doing wonderful things. Maybe you look up the street and your neighbor just gets a new car every year. Have you ever thought that maybe that person has identified their gift and is living in their gift?

Your Bible says that your gift will make room for you. Not your education. You go get your education…that’s nice but if you don’t use your gift…that education is only going to take you so far. I know alot of people that got degrees man…that they’re not even using.

But the only way that you can soar? You got to jump. You got to take that gift that’s packed away on your back. You have to jump off that cliff and pull that cord. That gift opens and provides the soar. If you don’t ever use your gift..your just going to go to work. If you’re getting up everyday to go to a job that you hate going to..that ain’t living man…you’re just existing. At one point in time, you oughta see what living’s like but to only way to see what living’s like…you gotta jump.

Photography by Joe T. Newman

Here’s the problem. I’m gonna just be real with you. When you first jump you’re parachute will not open right away. I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you it does but it don’t. If you jump, it’s not going to open up right away. You’re gonna hit them rocks and you’re gonna get some skin tore off on them cliffs. You’re gonna get all your clothes torn off. You’re gonna get some cuts on you. You’re gonna be bleeding pretty bad but eventually…EVENTUALLY the parachute has to open. That is a promise from God. That ain’t a theory. That’s a promise. His promises are true. Listen to me, you cannot name one single thing God has not gotten you through. Name it. And if he hasn’t got you through it, he’s currently pulling you through it right now. The living proof is your here right now reading this. If he aint never failed why would he not let your parachute open. It has to open man. You gotta jump though.

Photography by Joe T. Newman

Now…here’s another thing. You can play it safe and deal without the cuts and the tears and you can stand on that cliff of life, forever safe. But if you don’t jump..I got another promise I can make you…you’re parachute will never open. You’ll never know. You’ll never know what God really has for you. See your God has a wonderful life for you. Your Bible says that He comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly. If I were you, I would jump because that’s the only way to get to that abundant life. You got to jump man. You got to take a chance.

Photography by Joe T. Newman

Now you’re going to talk about this after you read it and you might say, “well, I got bills.” Whether you stay on the cliff or jump you’re going to have bills. “Well if I quit my job, I’m going to ruin my credit.” If you have a job you’re already living check to check. Even if you got A1 credit you can’t buy nothing else no damn way. At some point in time, do yourself a favor, go see what God really does. God holds you up. He ain’t gonna let you fall. He didn’t bring you this far to let you fall. Do yourself a favor man, before you leave this world… before you die… just jump… just jump one time. Thank you for reading this. -SH



Steve Harvey

Proud husband, father, comedian, daytime show host, philanthropist and author. God has blessed me with more than I could have asked for!