Day 0: My first day unemployed

Steve Luzynski
2 min readFeb 16, 2024


A dark snowy day. Photo by author.

Why do I have another 1:1 this morning? We just had one yesterday!

After 14 years at the same job, I finally got it. The dreaded last-minute meeting with the boss — the one with no agenda and an oddly non-specific subject.

I know that he said a lot of words to me. His mouth was moving, I remember seeing that. But the only words I actually remember hearing are “your position was eliminated.”

The shock is still there, swirling around in my brain. I carried a quota with a B in it, billions of dollars — how could my position not be needed?

The rest of the day was a blur. Printing out documents, transferring services around, getting ready for the inevitable shutdown of everything but email.

Today is a better day. Today I got up at the normal time and:

Read e-mail.

Started to revamp my resume.

Made a list of companies to look into.

Collected names for references.

Took a breath.

Watched the snow.

Hugged my wife.

It’s still awful, but it’s a better day.

I intend to write every day during this journey. Maybe it will be useful to see how another person handles the search. Maybe it will just feel good to see that others are going through the same. These tech layoffs are brutal.



Steve Luzynski

Former Cisco SE, Star Wars nerd, lots of years in tech. My words are my own.