extremely meta

GPT-3 As Explained To A 2nd Grader By GPT-3

Steve Moraco
19 min readJul 21, 2020

Yeah. I ran the OpenAI.comGPT-3 Research Paper through the GPT-3-Powered translator for 2nd graders in the OpenAI Example Documentation. You’re welcome?

(actually, as I embedded that video I discovered at the 3 minute mark that @Chris_lu on twitter had this idea a week before me and built an “explain like I’m 5” website… where he translated just the abstract. You can compare his work to the article below for more fascinating insights about how GPT-3 works and the variety of outputs it can generate.)

In all seriousness, this is mostly unedited text straight from GPT-3. This article is useful because it will show you the fascinating ways GPT-3 understands the language. It’s a paragraph-for-paragraph translation of the research paper, so if you read the two together, it’s absolutely fascinating to see how GPT-3 summarizes.

It is my hope that by reading this and comparing it to the white paper, you can see the ways GPT-3 has fumbled and succeeded in a way that is interesting and relevant for you no matter your level of expertise on this topic. Hopefully…

