Are You Making One Of These 7 Weight Loss Mistakes?

Steve Spring
4 min readJan 27, 2018

You Don’t Know “Why” You Want To Lose Weight

Losing weight is hard.

To be successful you need to change habits that you have developed over many years.

It takes a lot of time, dedication and hard work, and you will give up when it gets difficult if you don’t have the right motivation.

You need to know “Why” you want to change.

“There should be a specific, meaningful motivation behind your workouts — and “because I’m supposed to” is not an acceptable answer. Once you know your “why,” constantly remind yourself of it, whether that’s by doodling it on your hand, making it your cell phone background, or getting it printed on a tank.” –Women’s Health

For me, my “Why” is my family. I wanted to live a long and healthy life so that I can spend more time with them.

What motivates you to want to change your life?

Write it down and put it someplace that you can see it when you want to give up.

You Are Not Moving Your…



Steve Spring

Husband, Father, Christian, coffee lover. Writer for Live Your Life On Purpose, The Startup, Better Humans, BeYourself and The Ascent.