The Quite Satisfying World of Quiddit

Steve Wiest
May 4, 2023


Installment #2

Howdy Friends! It is BEYOND time for another installment of Quiddit! Therefore (and to wit) Here Ya go!

The newest Quiddit. Yeah…Bidniss folks just creep me out…
Who knew that Zorro could scat-sing?
Banana slugs are really funny…
Marvin follows his inner “D’OH!”
Proving once again that banana slugs are REALLY funny…
What the HELL?
It’s been surreal, man.
I really like this place.
And, uh…yeah.



Steve Wiest

Steve Wiest is a multiple Grammy-nominated trombonist, composer, cartoonist, author of novels, texts and multiple genre articles. Learn more at: