5 min readMay 18, 2017

Rant #1 — The Male Romper.

The headline on CNN says that everyone is talking about the new “Male Romper.”


Only soy is talking about the new male romper.

Deep soy has their hands all in this shit.

But, before I lose my mind and create another ulcer, lets look at where some of this comes from. I mean besides soy.

At some point in your life, usually when you’re in grade school, you ask yourself what “group” you are a part of. When I grew up it was all about being a surfer, or an outdoorsman; something having to do with the outdoors. When I left high school I remember asking myself the same questions. There are paths that we take as men, and they usually come with some sort of defintion of who we are. The problem is this definition is taking a lot longer to discover.

Enter 2017.

First off its too easy to live nowadays. Thats the reality. These soy statues you see in the picture above don’t have a lion chasing them, or an alpha male father breathing down their neck teaching them about the outdoors.

Their biggest worry is if their iPhone loses service, or someone sits on their glasses, or if the mall closes early on a Sunday, or if their smoothie doesn’t contain soy.

They live their whole life with zero resistance, and even if they did have some they would “stand up” and cry for a safe space. Where do you think all this shit comes from? These losers get away with everything, and as long as they are part of the herd, and the main stream media is calling it cool, they are good to go.

I’m not that old but when I grew up in the neighborhood we only did a few things after school. Go outside, play football, talk shit, look at old playboy magazines, and beat each other up. One time after school a kid we named beans and weenies, who wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, informed our mob that some soy patty from around the way was talking shit. Beans may have been a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket but he was part of our clan. This meant war. The soy patty came around and we attacked. I remember my buddy threw this kid face first into a palm tree. I was running with a kid on my back trying to throw him off while beans was on top of a kid pounding some kids face in. I think I stuck my finger in some kids eye socket, or I at least tried to. One kid was yelling at the sky, a war cry from deep down, he looked like a maniac. Another warrior punted a football and hit a kid right in the mouth. The soy patty got on his bike with his crew and rode away in shock. That night his mom came to my house and said I broke her sons glasses. I don’t think I did but someone did. Snitches get stitches so I denied the whole thing. Many don’t know this.

Another time we waited behind a small hill in our neighborhood and pounced on a member of another clan and whopped his ass. He messed with our speaker box in the woods that was full of playboy magazines. He had to be dealt with. I still remember the speakers. Every time you pulled out a playboy there would be ants crawling around everywhere.

This is what boys used to do when they grew up. Now they sit around on xbox and text each other about the sweet headshot they made on Call of Duty. Or, in the case of the soy receptacles above, they sat on facebook and talked about how Abercrombie had some sweet cargo shorts with boat shoes on sale. Funny thing is during that time there were thousands of troops deployed overseas actually getting shot at and wearing real cargo pants filled with ammo. You can bet the soy civilians above were not part the group just mentioned.

During some training I had years ago, they would punch you straight in the face when you didn’t expect it. They told us the reason was because most have never been punched in the face, so they wanted to see if you would run or if you would fight. If you ran you were out of the training. If you fought you stayed. I remember they hit me so many times in the face I thought I was going to shit my pants. Literally. But that wasn’t the first time I had been punched in the face.

Lets just say if they are still running classes like that now they are losing a lot of trainees.

These soy pads above know what they are doing. They know, deep down, way past their micro aggressions that wearing a man sized onesie is not normal. But who gives a shit? Every other loser around them thinks its cool and the leader of their pack, who is a certified beta male, is doing it, so fuck it. Their insecurity lowers for a second and they use the herd to justify their actions.

Now their famous. All over twitter, all over the news. Exactly what they want — attention to feed their insecurity.

The people in this picture know nothing about themselves. They are most likely in college and still have no idea what they will do, or what they are capable of. They will spend their whole lives secretly miserable but always part of the “in” crowd. They will change their minds at the drop of a hat. They will wear a suit but cry at their desk when they don’t get promoted. Their wives will cheat on them and they will never be respected. Oh yeah, you know what the best part is? It’s all accepted nowadays. They will probably get an award for being pioneers.

Dont wear a romper. Dont be a soy statue.

Be a part of the elite; which is now a very small group.


Wolves dont lose sleep over the opinion of sheep. A knuckle draggers philosophy on life and how to live it. Veteran, Former Federal LEO, NASM-CPT.