Hard Core E-Z Grass │ Stay out of sight this duck hunting season

3 min readSep 30, 2015


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If we have said it once, we have said it a thousand times, if you are going to be successful when duck hunting then you have to fool their eyes first. When duck hunting or goose hunting, concealment is the name of the game. All too often waterfowl hunters will spend a large amount of time getting the Hard Core decoys just right, and try to fool those birds with a marginal blind setup. No matter how many times you try to get by with a marginal concealment, you will never put as many birds on the stringer as you would if you had taken the time to first properly hide.

One of the most common themes we hear from waterfowl hunters when it comes to camouflaging or brushing in their boat or blinds is the time it takes to do so. We also frequently hear “There wasn’t much cover available.” If you have been duck hunting long enough, you have probably found yourself in one of these situations, and most likely at one time or another you have made the decision that the hide was “good enough” and you most likely paid the price for it. If you have been there and done that, then you most certainly appreciate the ability to hide anywhere at any time regardless of the conditions, situations or lack of available cover.

Here at Hard Core, we want each and every hunter to be successful when they take to the waterfowl woods. To combat the constant issue of tricking a goose or ducks eyeballs we have developed a wide range of blind grass mats and covers to fit any and all situation you may encounter when duck hunting or goose hunting. The E-Z grass series from Hard Core provides every hunter the base that is needed to camouflage everything from the larges river boat to smallest blind. Regardless if you are covering a large boat or a layout blind having a base camouflage is the most critical piece to any hide. Bases provides the blind or hide the contrast, depth and shadows need to convince even the most wary of waterfowl. When the E-Z grass system is used in conjunction with native vegetation such as moist soil plants or even cornstalks it is a deadly combination and can spell game over for those waterfowl.

The E-Z grass system comes in multiple color patters however all are durably woven and come with the patented bungee system for each attachment to any surface you choose. Don’t allow the lack of cover or the time it takes to properly hide keeps you from pulling the trigger this duck hunting season. Improve you harvest this fall by giving the E-Z grass system a try, you won’t be sorry!

Tags: Concealment, Duck Hunting, Hard Core E-Z Grass

Originally published at www.hardcore-brands.com on September 3, 2015.




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