How to…0xScore (Part1)

A user-friendly explanation of how bots and sybil attacks harm the mechanics of airdrops and the trust in new projects

2 min readJan 22, 2024

Imagine a world where every DeFi user explores projects, dApps, tests platforms, interacts with devs and other contributors and, eventually, gets a reward for his/her early participation. We call them airdrops, and we all love them.

Imagine a world where every user performs these actions on a random basis, through a random period of time, with one and one only wallet address.

Imagine a world where every Telegram channels, Discord server, Twitter account, is filled with real humans just like you.

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Now, let’s face the hard reality; Imagine having to share a pie of the cake with hundreds, thousands of bots fighting (and winning) farming airdrops by all sorts of parameters, knowing that these fraudulent accounts will not be blacklisted from receiving any rewards.

Or, imagine competing against those committing sybil attacks on a daily basis. (Sybil attacks are a kind of security threat where one person, with malicious intent, create multiple accounts — social, wallets — or nodes to multiply his/her chances to gain rewards from airdrops or take partial control of a network)

How do you fight such a ramping technology and malicious behavior?

Is it even possible to do something against all of that?

It is clear that when social numbers are inflated, bots are over-farming airdrops and front-running normal users, trust gets weaker and weaker, harming users, communities, and projects with good intentions.

Ah… if only there existed a tool that helps prevent Sybil attacks…

If only there existed…0xScore!

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Read also: Trust, Reliability, Sybil-Resistance: 0xScore and the Future of Crypto.




Dao Contributor since 2020. Content creator, community manager, content translator