Bye 2015 & hello to a storyfull 2016

StoryCode Singapore
2 min readJan 10, 2016


We take a quick look back at our 2015 community events and what’s brewing for 2016


Last year has been full of collaboration, exchange and sharing. We set two community growth mile stones in October: passing the 300 member mark and welcoming two new co-organisers to the team. During our eight meetups in 2015 we:

  • met the magnificent Jeff Gomez
  • visited the Lego Innovations lab
  • did two events around VR production (hottest topic of 2015)
  • teamed up with the writers and comic community to launch the 100 Writers project
  • did a night full of story games (on Halloween!)
  • created an audio story tour of Bugis
  • and had 2 social mixer events with our friends at #FilmBeers, discussing projects and trends


We are busy working on getting our 2016 schedule on track. Not all events are confirmed at this point but this much we can reveal:

  • a partnership with the Asian Festival for Children’s Content that will bring you a number of workshops and talks in May
  • we will have a discussion about how to protect your content and how to monetize your ideas
  • a 2nd Captain Cardboard story-hacking workshop
  • “storytelling & dance”
  • “storytelling & music”
  • audience engagement tools

2016 will surely be exciting. Hope to see you all at the events!

Please do let us know if there is any topic you would like to share with the community. We’re always open for suggestions, ideas and feedback. Want to host/organise an event? Let us know.

Happy New Year to all Storycoders!!!



StoryCode Singapore

Singapore chapter of StoryCode - an open-source, global community for emerging and established cross-platform and immersive storytellers.