Community Announcements (Fall 2015) — StoryCode Singapore

StoryCode Singapore
3 min readOct 18, 2015


We don’t usually do regular announcements via the blog, but this time we thought there are so many new developments, we should sum them up properly for you.

2015 has been a bit silent from our end. We did 5 events so far and our blog publications are a bit behind schedule. Synching our work-lifes with the chapter has been tricky lately. Jacqui is part of a tremendously successful startup that makes her #discoverpurpose and travel a great deal around Asia. While I got involved in a new long running initiative to transform the National Broadcaster into digital.

Recap 2015

First, a quick recap what’s been going on this year. We had an exciting story creation workshop at the Lego Innovations Lab and collaborated with a Cape Town based startup in building an audio tour of Bugis. VR was a hot topic in the first half of 2015. We did two events with some of the leading local VR pioneers. And of course, we met the legendary Jeff Gomez back in March.

Plotting the future

Despite the silence, we’ve still been plotting some big things. Up first, please give a warm Storycoder-Welcome to our two new co-organizers! Don Bosco and Diogo Martins have been joining us officially since beginning of October. By extending our chapter family we aim to bring you more regular and diverse meetups, giving you a chance to find more inspiration and get to know new market players.

Quick intros to our new co-organizers

Don Bosco: For many chapter regulars Don will be a familiar face. He has been an avid supporter of the chapter and its community. Being a successful children’s content author who self-distributes his publications via his own outfit called SuperCoolBooks his expertise lies with creating interactive publications. Don runs several local writers initiatives and is the perfect source for understanding local narrative heritage, packaged with new technology.

More about Don:

Diogo Martins: Diogo moved to Singapore only recently. As a digital filmmaker and cinematographer, this Portuguese from Macau spend the past 2 years in Beijing. Before that, he was the Creative Director of Haexagon Concepts in Hong Kong. (As some of you may know, Haexagon has been the prime sponsor and founding resource of the chapter and with this move we’re just closing the circle of life). Currently, Diogo is a transmdia producer with MediaCorp’s Studios Division.

More about Diogo:

So, what’s next?

In the months to come, this is what we got in stall for you:

1) More off-the-wall events like our upcoming Big Game Night

2) Don will be launching the long running event series called “100 Writers”. This series not only functions as community meetups but primarily as incubation lab for prototypes of local story culture.

3) The chapter will be partnering with next year’s Asian Festival For Children’s Content (AFCC). We’re putting together a series of talks and workshops.

…and yes, for those of you who have been talking to us over the past events, rest assured, we’re still working on the Parkour-meets-storytelling event. It WILL come your way for sure! Hopefully sooner than later.

So much for our quick news roundup.

See you all at the next meetup!



StoryCode Singapore

Singapore chapter of StoryCode - an open-source, global community for emerging and established cross-platform and immersive storytellers.